Where have All The Flowers Gone?

Where have all the flowers gone? And common sense, decency, or education? Do you remember the last scene from the movie “Raiders of the Lost Arc?” The one where the warehouse worker on a forklift stuffed a crate containing the arc into storage in a huge warehouse. Right next to that crate was another one with your children, and one with the lessons from history, and one with the flowers. That’s where you’ll find your flowers. Norman Rockwell’s timeless paintings showing Thanksgiving, little boys eying diplomas on the wall before receiving a shot or a little girl with a black eye waiting to see the principal after winning a fight are yellow with age. The children in those pictures died a long time ago and were replaced by kids sitting on a Drag Queen’s lap in a public library. And therein you see the problem. A PUBLIC library, funded by the state and blessed by Marduk! And each time voices were raised shouting, “Foul!” a new law was passed to silence those voi...