The Talking Dog


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Once upon a rainbow there were two horses standing out in a field of clover grazing, listening to the birds chirping, and enjoying retirement after a long career at the tracks. By and by one says to the other, “I say, old man! You’re new here. Tell me about yourself.” I know, I know, rainbows and talking horses. It’s just a story. Work with me on this!


Well, the second horse said, “My first race was at the Belmont Stakes. I didn’t place but eventually I got all the way to the Kentucky Derby. By that time I’d accrued enough experience that I ended up a nose in the lead. The horse behind me was holding but losing breath and I was maintaining and looking at a win. Right when I could just see the flag my hoof rolled and though I didn’t fall it cost me momentum and I came in show!”


The first horse said, “That’s tragic! I, myself was up for Preakness. I had excelled easily in several competitions and was confident of a sure win. Maybe even leading to a Triple Crown. My owner didn’t share this enthusiasm and began me on a series of injections designed to increase my stamina and insure a win. And I won. However, upon a simple test the medication was discovered and my victory was taken from me, in fact that’s why I’m here. I was retired to eat clover and wait for the glue factory!”

Now it so happens that there was a dog lounging on the ground within earshot of the two horses taking this all in. By and by he spoke. “You horses! One excuse after another as to why you lost. You lost because you are losers. A loser always has a reason. The reason is simple. Not good enough!  Now, I’m a winner! I ran in the dog races down in Memphis. I won every race. I outran all them bitches, I even outran that little wooden rabbit and pissed on the judge’s foot as he gave my owner the prize. Because I’m a winner!”


The horses were amazed. After a moment of silence one looked at the other and said, “Well what do you know? A talking dog!”


The world is filled with talking dogs. From your unemployed know it all brother in law to Chamillea Harris. Double talking experts who know a lot about nothing. The “Z” generation bets their soul on these people. Google is the new Encyclopedia Britannica. From magic mushrooms to flat earths, Google posters are the go-to source of information. The internet is awash with the confirmation of any hair brain theory that floats your boat. Damn the icebergs and full speed ahead.


As we wait for Armageddon common sense has fallen by the wayside. Any political or medical “facts” are accepted by a large percentage of the great unwashed without question. Where do you think the 55,000 genders came from. Sometimes a penis is just a penis. Girls’ restrooms filled up with Hells Angels. Wait! I misspoke. I’ve met those guys. It might be better if they were filled up with them. Then the little girls could safely take a piss. Now, where was I?


The influx of disinformation is so loud that real, substantiated facts can no longer be heard. Just trying to tell a Woke disciple that an unborn baby might be a form of life becomes an impossibility as they search for “life” on the sun! And when a man tries to say we need to take care of ourselves first they blow his ear off. And everything is racist. People over sixty are racist. Frogs are racist, and gay. Oh, and that’s another thing. All Homosapiens are now homoSEXUALS! All the ancient Greeks were gay. Roman’s too. All priests are gay. Wait! I might have to rethink that one.  But you get my point. Is a Crocodile Dundee panties check the necessary clearance for a man-woman encounter?


There is a small, quiet contingent silently sitting out there beginning to say, “We have to make this look like an accident.” The simple fact is that this world view cannot last. The Ten Commandments are quite simple. Someone or something made all of this. And He’s still out there. Ignoring Him will not make him go away. And there are rules. Don’t lie, don’t steal, don’t screw your sister and try to avoid killing your mother and father. And the farther we delve into so-called “science” the more we find design. From atoms to galaxies. Code 6.14 is everywhere from a pretty face to the “Cinderella Zone” of inhabitable planets. Doctors discover new facts every day that was right under their noses yet med students are researching the benefits of schizophrenia. Law students at The University of Texas think the President can erase The Bill of Rights. Google it!


The earth is a little over four billion years old. Do you think we’re the first?  Or the last? The dinosaurs did. Comets anyone? America? Try the Roman Empire. The Greeks. Babylon. Hell! The freaking ZULUS! Everybody wants to get next to a happening guy. And the happening guy dies and returns to the stardust from whence he came. All but one. Google it!





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