Two Little Girls




Meet the Nasser sisters. They could be anywhere. London, Mexico City, Austin. I’m particularly drawn to the older one. Not that the little one isn’t special but that one with her hands on her hips? Audacity! Crown on her head, not a hijab. No reason to hide her beauty. Bright eyes looking toward a bright future. A future that will not be allowed to happen now because some crazy old men uttered some nonsensical things that some other crazy old man wrote down and now, eons later other crazy old men killed these little girls because God is great!


The creative force of the universe damns every one of you. Do you believe that all the time that it took from the Big Bang from minuscule nothingness to these two little ladies was only so you could fire a missile at them during your property dispute? Do you belief Moses or Mohammed could even conceive of them, or their time and place?  Some of you attack a music event and others of you attack little girls in retaliation and what difference does your burned over sand make to the world? The governments of the world bite their nails waiting for your next move, when they should be planning a D Day times 5,000 and rid the world of all your sorry asses. From Hamas to Hezbolla to Mossad, the planet, and mankind would be better off without the lot of you. Oh Wilbur, that might hurt the children! They’re killing little girls already! If we save just one child we’re one child ahead!

And what’s this nincompoop we call Mr. President doing? He made a very strong speech and the Rabbis and Ali Babba told him to sit his ass down. And he did! And he likes little girls, maybe a little too much but there’s therapy for that. The point is the world needs to appraise this situation for what it truly is. Israel is just a west Texas land grab. Just like when Uncle Sammy gave the Black Hills to the Sioux and then took it back when gold was discovered. Same with Oklahoma. And so on and so forth. And why? Because some crazy old man said God gave him the land. And they believe that. But they don’t believe that 2000 years ago God made the baby. And the baby grew up and made more sense that all the rest. In the words of the prophet Kris Kristofferson if He came back down they’d just nail him up again. Where do we draw the line in the sand! And that’s a lot of sand!


Half the world is waiting for their guy to come back and straighten this mess out and the other half believes their guy flew to heaven on a flying jackass! And you call me crazy? And what’s their justification? Oil? Texas has oil! Canada has oil! MEXICO has oil, and they need the money! And you people, yeah yeah yeah I just called you people “you people” will run to you Bible, Qu’ran, Book of Mormon or Kamasutra and get that warm fuzzy while you justify this abomination before the very God you claim to follow. There’s gonna be a lot of surprised bastards at the Pearly Gates!


We can’t bring the sisters back. They will be soon forgotten as newscasters seclude their deaths behind whatever psychobabble pollutes the airways tomorrow. But I will remember. And if there is an afterlife I hope they are there because they made a difference in my life. I cried when I saw their faces. And I remembered the words of a song:

Grandpappy told my pappy

Back in my day son

When a man had to answer

For all the wicked he done

Take all the rope in Texas

Find a tall oak tree

Round up all of them bad boys

Hang ‘em RIGHT in the street

For all the people to see!


—>That ALL them bad boys!<—






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