
Showing posts from January, 2025

I Can’t Get My Mind Around This

  When we lose someone close to us, a little part us to die with them. And sometimes it’s really hard to carry on… but, somehow, we do, and when the dark days come, you’ve gotta have some faith to get you through. 16-year-old Blake Ward was swimming at sea when he encountered serious problems. When he was pulled from the waters by emergency responders, he had to be airlifted to a nearby hospital. But he had suffered severe brain damage and had to be hooked up to life support. In a short time, his parents made that heart-breaking decision to turn off the life support. As family gathered around him to say their goodbyes, Blake’s girlfriend, Stephanie, climbed into his bed to give him one last hug. She then posted a photo of that moment with this message:   Today has been the hardest day for me, and it will be a day I will never be able to forget. As some of you may know, Blake was involved in a terrible accident on Tuesday. I have been by his side through it all and I haven’t le...

I SAY Old Man!

  This is an actual extract from a sex education textbook for girls from Merry Old England in the 1960s!  I SAY old man! But, as misogynistic as it is, think! Wouldn’t it be loverly? “When retiring to the bedroom, prepare yourself for bed as promptly as possible. Whilst feminine hygiene is of the utmost importance, your tired husband does not want to queue for the bathroom, as he would have to do for his train. But remember to look your best when going to bed. Try to achieve a look that is welcoming without being obvious. If you need to apply face cream or hair-rollers wait until he is asleep as this can be shocking to a man last thing at night. When it comes to the possibility of intimate relations with your husband it is important to remember your marriage vows and in particular your commitment to obey him. If he feels that he needs to sleep immediately then so be it. In all things be led by your husband's wishes; do not pressure him in any way to stimulate intimacy. Should ...

Who’ll Stop the Rain?

      On a sunny morning in 2010 I was sitting on my porch in Berry Creek having coffee. The house was one of three on Oak Tree Drive. There was one directly across the street, and one more exactly a block away. The one I was at was the “Big House.” The one with the columns.   My son and his uh, “wife” were in a battle with the Texas Child Protective Services. Between drugs, no water, and various STDs they had major issues with the great state of Texas. The department has had many issues with removal of children. You’ve heard all the stories. This was not one of those. These are people who would be lynched in 1880. This was far from the porch in Berry Creek. Until the next morning. Pam, my then wife was meeting with the aforementioned pair in court to try and salvage their relationship with the department and being able to keep their four children. Yeah! Four, ages eighteen months to two years or so. Fed sugar water to leave money for drugs.   For some reason be...

Democrat is the New Black

  Democrat is the new black. A National descent that began with Obama came to a screeching halt. The degradation of the American character along with a morality that would make Nero blush with shame ended with the blink of an eye with the ascent of President Donald J Trump to the top of the Pulpit of leadership. As Los Angeles crumbled to the ground and millions of documented and undocumented “guests,” prepared to return to the not so loving embrace of their country of origin, history took a breath and it appears that God HAS indeed blessed America one more time. This has been coming for a long time and it’s gonna be hard! And it should be! Complacentcy got us here and it can’t get us out. Most Americans are good Christian people. Most Americans just want to get from one day to the next, pay their bills and die in a warm bed. If family is there that would be nice. If they aren’t we basically die alone anyway. The bizzaro world of the democrats has been so illogical that it defies b...

What Did You Come to the Desert To See?

    The story revolves around Karly Anne Avard , a devout young girl from a Mormon family, who is deeply committed to her faith and community. The narrative delves into the concept of Blood Atonement , a belief that certain sins require the sinner to atone through death, a doctrine taught by Mormon Church leaders in the mid-1850s but later claimed to be only a reference to capital punishment. . Karly, an only child, is portrayed as a dedicated and obedient member of her church, preparing for her mission to spread Joseph Smith's message. Her father, a respected community member, was killed in an armed robbery, leaving Karly to carry on his teachings and beliefs.   The story takes a dark turn as Karly is inducted into the secretive Danite society, sworn to defend the church and its members through extreme measures. As Karly prepares for her mission, she faces a traumatic experience involving her best friend Tesla's grandfather and other men, leading to her rape and subsequ...

The Good The Bad and The Biden

      There were two presidents that day in the National Cathedral. One in a pew, and one in a box. I remember Jimmy Carter taking office. I voted for him. I was young, dumb, and that other thing. We were all liberal democrats down here. We’d have voted for Scoobie Doo if he was White House broke. Run the country? How hard could it be? Kiss a few babies and let Congress have its way. That was before the Ayatollah Khomemini tied his administration into a pretty pink bow and made Delta Force look like the Keystone Cops.   A president with a drunken brother pissing in the Rose Garden. What could possibly go wrong? By the time Carter went home to Georgia half the country was allergic to peanuts. Texas went Republican and never came back. Jimmy picked up a hammer and started renovating old shacks and somehow the country survived. Joe Biden was on the scene, though not as evident as he would be later in his career.   Democrat presidents would be few and far between af...

Fast Times at Ellison High

      I am going to open this week with a heads up for parents here in Killeen. First I want to point out I’m discussing a local (Killeen) issue involving schools, parents, and escalating problems with national implications so I don’t need any hall monitors saying I’m not on topic, adhering to the rules or posting anything that needs to be fact checked.   I will dispense with introductions because most of you know who I am. I will not mention what I do in my business because that’s not allowed and has no place here. Suffice to say that my interests occupy my time.   As you may or may not know, my grandson got into a situation recently at Ellison High School. As with similar situations there and indeed at many other schools in Texas it involved drugs. I’m sorry if I’m the first to have to tell you that kids do drugs. When I went to Killeen High way back when we drank beer. Ok! Now we have that out in the open. Justin is not a mental giant. He’s a follower. ...

I’ll Never Forget the Taste of That Clear Blue Water

      When I was eighteen, I ran away from home. Yeah, I’ve always been a conservative. I’d come to Texas from Shreveport in 1962 at the age of eleven.  Culture shock doesn’t even begin to describe my transition from pine trees to no trees. Oh, Central Texas had a form of tree. Not enough to form a windbreaker but larger than a mailbox. And they were predominantly cedar.  Not the “cedar of Lebanon” mentioned in the Bible but a first cousin to scrub oak. Each spring it would develop these pods that would burst in the Texas heat, putting this kinda blue haze in the air. If you had allergies it would fill up your nose. If you didn’t have allergies it would fill up your nose. Cedar is the only tree that would carve it’s initials on YOU!   I spent my years of school dripping snot on my desk. And that was just the beginning. Back in Louisiana I’d started the first grade in Lake Charles. At five years old. My birthday was September 11 th and the rule was you had ...