God Bless “The ‘N’ Words:” The Problem in Labeling Racism

I’m gonna do something that I almost never do which is to bow to political correctness. I, personally think that political correctness is akin to paying for lunch for some chick with a smart mouth, but this particular implication of one of the modern rules of social acceptance is so prevalent, up to and possibly being a part of the penal code of some liberal states that it demands a tip of the hat and a harness of the tongue if I hope to avoid file thirteen with my publisher so here goes. Today I will use the term “The ‘N’ Word” as a substitute for the word we are all thinking of. The Origin of “The N Word The evolution of the vernacular pertaining to referring to people of color has perplexed those of the Caucasian Persuasion for generations. It wasn’t a problem for the N Word population itself but just watching the manipulations by the majority to properly label this group is a study unto itself. ...