
Showing posts from November, 2023

God Bless “The ‘N’ Words:” The Problem in Labeling Racism

    I’m gonna do something that I almost never do which is to bow to political correctness. I, personally think that political correctness is akin to paying for lunch for some chick with a smart mouth, but this particular implication of one of the modern rules of social acceptance is so prevalent, up to and possibly being a part of the penal code of some liberal states that it demands a tip of the hat and a harness of the tongue if I hope to avoid file thirteen with my publisher so here goes. Today I will use the term “The ‘N’ Word” as a substitute for the word we are all thinking of.                    The Origin of “The N Word The evolution of the vernacular pertaining to referring to people of color has perplexed those of the Caucasian Persuasion  for generations. It wasn’t a problem for the N Word population itself but just watching the manipulations by the majority to properly label this group is a study unto itself. And it’s not just N Words, but any segment of the American popul

For All The People to See!

  For All The People to See   Grandpappy told my pappy Back in my day, son When a man had to answer For the wicked he done   Take all the rope in Texas Find a tall oak tree Round up all of them bad boys Hang ‘em RIGHT in the street!     Again and again I return to Western Justice. I take a lot of hits when I do that for several reasons. First off my ways are archaic. Too old fashioned. Won’t work in the modern world. We’ve moved beyond that. Yada Yada Yada. Have we moved past kidnapping and murdering little nine-year-old girls?    In this four-thousand-year misunderstanding in the Middle East a little girl was “captured.” Her parents were killed before her very eyes. She was rushed from house to house by “brave soldiers” of Hamas as Israeli forces sought to find hostages. Finally, in an act of benevolence, the followers of Mohammed released her.    Hamas hadn’t a prayer of victory when they pounced on a music festival in Israel. But they beat up little girls real good! God gave the Jew

I Shall Not Cross Over

 Been up all night. Did a lot of thinking. All I wanted for my family and friends was for everyone to have all they wanted. I lived in a delusional world of compatibility where everyone worked together with a common purpose. I wanted to make a hit movie that would spur further things and possibilities. I wanted to write things that would make everyone laugh, cry, consider.  So, I created this artificial world in my mind. A world where everyone met on the porch and asked how I was doing. A world where one grandchild had an idea for a movie, another wanted his girlfriend to fly down, my oldest son asked if I could come up and spend a week.  And Vic and I, and Rusty, Ashley, Pam, Kim, Lee, and a host of others created that world. A world for everyone. And the awards came in. The world stood back amazed at a story about a girl from the future who came to Austin and showed us where we were headed if we didn’t wake up. Not be woke. Just wake up! And, as I stood on the mountain, looking at th

The Talking Dog

The Talking Dog   Everybody wants to get next to a happening guy. And that’s what lures people to New York, Hollywood, Austin, and Nashville. There is a saying in Nashville: Nobody asked you to pull off I-40.    Once there were two horses retired to pasture. Laying on the other side of the fence was a dog. One horse said, “I ran in the Kentucky Derby. I was in the lead. Suddenly I got a cramp in my left rear leg and came in second.”   The other horse said, “That’s nothing. I ran the Belmont Stakes. I won, but was disqualified because my Jockey drank a beer just before the race!”   The dog shook his head. “You horses! Losers. I ran the Memphis dog races. I outran the dogs. I even outran that wooden rabbit. Because I’m a winner!”   One horse looked at the other and said, “Well, what do you know! A talking dog!”   Most people aspiring to the entertainment industry are “talking dogs.” Oh, don’t get me wrong. Everyone tries to portray themselves in a favorable light. The spotlight is the mo

Your Place in the Scheme of Things

  If You Want To See How Important You Are, Don’t Speak Unless Spoken To and You Will Free Up Most Of Your Day!   (Picture of chimp)   Most of life’s problems can be alleviated by understanding your importance to others, and it’s easy to ascertain. Remember the last time you engaged in family conversation. First, let’s define “family.” Compare a church group with a bunch of chimpanzees on the  Serengeti. The chimps mingle around, looking for grubs, checking each other for lice, masturbating and watching for lions. A family having just returning from church, will begin a quite affable conversation which, in time will evolve in a heated debate about something they cannot prove, cannot see, and before it’s all ever will go home mad until next Sunday when this Congress of shaved monkeys will meet again and repeat the whole process. With any luck one of them will die and put a little life in their routine.    And every one of these Baptists, Mormons, Methodists or the dreaded atheist is ply

Get Your Shot at DollyWood

  At least Dolly Parton has done something with her life for the betterment of others. That's better than what anti-vaxxers can say. — David Young M.D. (@davideyoungmd)  November 24, 2023      Before beginning the lesson for the day I’d like to say that I wouldn’t take any COVID vaccine for love or money. My reasons have nothing to do with who’s running for President, how many Mexicans are jumping the border or what color Jesus was. It took years and years to develop the rash of flu vaccines that flooded the market. I have never taken one because I’ve never seen one work. Every year, “Get your flu vaccine,” and the flu comes and goes. People get sick, two or three grandmas die, and along about the first day of school the kids all get the flu, it morphs into that elusive herd immunity, and we all wait until the next big thing. In 2019 it was COVID. GOD! I wish I could write a book or make a movie with that kind of promotion.    And the flu vaccines aren’t a sure thing. What do they


Justin is a monster. He is fifteen years old, one hundred and sixty-five pounds, addicted to Fortnite, and actually believes he is a character out of the game with superpowers. He lives in an imaginary online world inhabited by shadowy characters of various genders who advise him on world conquest. He rarely sleeps longer than two hours at a time and subsists on Ramen soups. He masturbates anytime, anywhere whenever the urge moves him, and his online avatar is a pretty teenage girl. He attacks his mother and siblings on a daily basis and most recently kicked his mother’s bedroom door open to try to assault his kid brother because the boy was vacuuming as his mother asked him to do and the sound was interrupting the “Emperor’s” conquest of the world.    He has been in not one but three treatment centers, most recently in Jackson, Tennessee where he had the occasion to sexually assault a twelve-year-old boy upon which the center pronounced him “cured” and covered up the incident. He retu

The Slaughter of the Innocents

      When Herod realized that he had been outwitted by the Magi, he was furious, and he gave orders to kill all the boys in Bethlehem and its vicinity who were two years old and under, in accordance with the time he had learned from the Magi.   17  Then what was said through the prophet Jeremiah was fulfilled:   The hospital’s main building has effectively ceased functioning, with doctors working by candlelight and wrapping premature babies in foil to keep them alive – with some warning the situation inside has become “catastrophic.” Politicians, lawyers and pimps have a unique way of twisting events to suit their needs. It is said that history is written by the victors. Where is the victory in denying a newborn baby his or her last breath?    I will agree that Hamas has earned a number five ass-whipping for their unprecedented attack on Israel. I will even agree in some of the cost in civilian lives for letting a criminal organization run their country. I will not agree with letting

Don’t Bogart That Joint, My Friend

  We don’t live in a Yellow Submarine! Remember the 60’s? Yeah, me too. Free love, LSD and Cocaine were legal. There weren’t any women’s rights because they were too busy burning their bras to worry about voting. And there was this dream of a Utopian society where we all ran around naked like a bunch of fools and lived forever. Well, Oregon, the largest county in California voted that into existence and to be frank it was all a lie!   Did you ever wonder why Moses came up with The Ten Commandments? Ok, consider this. The so-called “Children of Israel” were a bunch of out-of-control hoodlums. All the Egyptians were concerned about was them showing up for work in the morning. All that crap about them sitting around with funny hats reading the Torah was just that,     This can be easily proven by reading the Bible, or better yet taking in Cecil B DeMille’s classic where Edward G Robinson gets cast into hell for opening a bar while Moses w

Empty Chairs

  Empty Chairs   As she lifted the keyboard cover on the grand piano, she glanced at the small crowd of elderly people gathered to hear her usual renditions of old classics and some ragtime. Each Friday night she would put on a light show. Gentle music, nothing earth shaking. Just something to go with the blue hair crowd that would mix well with drinks after dinner.    She stared at the keys. Since she was five years old the keys spoke to her.  Tonight they stared at her. A week before, sitting on the back porch of the now empty mansion on the tenth green she’d taken notice of all the empty chairs where children had once been. High chairs, sitting chairs, lawn chairs, all empty. The only sound being the birds and the tap, tap, tap of the golf course water system.    Now the words came back to her. Gently she placed her fingers on the keys. A couple people raised cell phones for a picture, but she shook her head and said, “No, please. Not tonight.”  Confused, they lowered their phones.