
What do Netanyahu, Putin, and Kim Jong Un all have in common? I’ll make this quick because I have a lot to say. I’m gonna prophesy here. An asteroid! Because all three are part of a dying race and that’s what happened to to last dying race that ran the world into to ground, formally known as dinosaurs, which is what they truly are! Throughout history strong willed despots have risen to the occasion and made history, or rather rewritten history to suit the image they wished to leave to posterity. They had the sharpest sword, the loudest roar or the audacity to impose their will, good or bad upon the masses thus enslaved to fulfill their egotistical dream of the way things ought to be according to the gospel of whatEVER floated their party barge. But times, they are a changing to borrow a line from a poet. And through no fault of its own the world in general has grown weary of this and the old order changeth! There are numerous reasons for this. Of course ...