
Showing posts from April, 2024

He’s Alive

      Genesis 19:28 And he looked toward Sodom and Gomorrah,  and toward all the land of the plain, and beheld, and, lo, the smoke of the country went up as the smoke of a furnace.     There is no greater evil inflicted upon America greater than the destruction of all that is holy and wholesome by the LBGTQ community. The unnatural union of men is in direct contradiction with the purpose of anything near nature or the procreation of any species and ultimately leads to the moral and physical destruction of anyone or anything that practices it.   Every culture, understanding, and religion has risen against this from Greek to Muslims to the Primitive Baptist Church of Killeen Texas with good reason! To attempt to normalize this practice is to give the Devil license to pervert the very design of the human being, replacing it with the most unholy abomination conceived in the minds of men who have abandoned all reason and humanity.   As the Apostle Paul writes: And likewise also

Black Elk's full account of the Battle at the Little Bighorn

  Black Elk's full account of the Battle at the Little Bighorn, June 25-26, 1876 (long): Crazy Horse whipped Three Stars on the Rosebud that day, and I think he could have rubbed the soldiers out there. He could have called many more warriors from the villages and he could have rubbed the soldiers out at daybreak, for they camped there in the dark after the fight. He whipped the cavalry of Three Stars when they attacked his village on the Powder that cold morning in the Moon of the Snowblind [March]. Then he moved farther west to the Rosebud; and when the soldiers came to kill us there, he whipped them and made them go back. Then he moved farther west to the valley of the Greasy Grass. We were in our own country all the time and we only wanted to be let alone. The soldiers came there to kill us, and many got rubbed out. It was our country and we did not want to have trouble. We camped there in the valley along the south side of the Greasy Grass before the sun was straight above; an

His Eye is not Dimmed Nor His Natural Force Abated

  The Standing of the Silent Warriors  The Devil has two tricks he uses over and over again.  Convincing you he isn’t real, and convincing those around you that you are crazy when you realize that he is! America is in a spiritual war for its soul. That’s real. Donald Trump is in a war for America. That, too, is real. The Devil would like you to believe that I’m crazy. That is real. I am not crazy, and neither are the millions rising to stand behind all that made America great in 1776 and will make her great again in 2024 and that, too, is real my friends and those on the dark side know, and fear the return of our Savior, and that, too, is very real, and imminent!   See? That’s crazy, huh? Maintaining that Jesus is coming back is generally assumed as “crazy” by stable psychologists everywhere waving their DSM what ever version they may follow, trying to change the word pedophile to the phrase “minor attraction!” Who’s crazy now?   Crazy is relative. Want proof? Ok. Two peoples. Jew

This Bitter Pill Was Prescribed a Long Time Ago

  Brethren, I understand how some of you feel about the current State or "political state" of Israel. I understand many things concerning Israel, but I am not going to get into it as it can really cause emotions to flare up. All I want to say is this, no matter your feelings or opinions, the simple fact that Israel is a Nation once again and Jerusalem the Capital of Israel is all prophetic. We MUST understand that the existence of Israel, as a Nation today, is the REASON we have so many prophetic events coming to pass and being set up! Without Israel today, God's end times prophecies would not be possible! THESE THINGS MUST TAKE PLACE, HOWEVER! Those who DO STUDY scripture understand the great prophetic significance of this all! There is a REMNANT and God made a promise and those promises WILL BE KEPT! PROPHECY IS UNFOLDING IN THE MIDDLE EAST AND IT WILL AFFECT THE ENTIRE WORLD!...ISRAEL'S EXISTENCE TODAY IS PROPHETIC!....REMAIN WATCHFUL AND KEEP LOOKING UP!

And Stormy is Her Name

          Dictionary Definitions from  Oxford Languages  ·  Learn more Prostitute: noun A person, in particular a woman, who engages in sexual activity for payment.   Now I’m just a Simple Old Boy From Austin, but am I the only one who noticed that Stormy, or what ever her Christian name is, sold her favors to Donald Trump? Christian. Yeah that’s a good one. Please see the above definition of “prostitute.” He paid her for the first application, came back for a tip, and still “went public” when she’d spent all that money and business was a bit off. I’m not gonna asperse her talents but personally I’d prefer a hungry hitchhiker at a Flying J.   And Trump lied about it. Well, duh! Allegedly, he laundered some money to pay the woman so as to hide it. Ok guys. How many of you out there have ever went home with a ten and woke up with a two? Can I have a show of hands? You lying flock of hen-pecked bastards. Ok, ok, we’ll go with that.   The simple fact is that Trump paid her not once but