Beware of the Algorithm

By Bill the Butcher As all of you, I have struggled with internet censorship ever since Mark Zuckerberg and others of his ilk discovered the word algorithm. For those of you who aren’t in the know, an algorithm is a subroutine slipped insidiously into an application online to perform some duty that the originator of said code is either too ignorant or too lazy to do themselves Mano ã Mano thereby consigning said duty to some some of result of Artificial Intelligence we call an Algorithm ! There are now thousands of algorithms lurking about in the shadows to keep us all on the straight and narrow should we slip into freedom of speech, original thought, or disagreement with any of the countless rules of engagement devised by certain sexually confused individuals on the payroll of other paper tigers that currently form our masters. We, as human beings tend to believe that somewhere out there in the digital void there are actual oth...