
Showing posts from October, 2023

Will The Wolf Survive ?

  These last thirty days have been a bone crushing eye opener for us at Witt and Wittier. With awards now coming in from all corners of the globe, songs that we only meant for background, charting, and setting our post-strike course to continue to bring real family entertainment to real families, a cup of coffee would be nice. We made the trip to Austin and got to see our latest movie, “Kielia” in its entirety for the first time. Overwhelming, you’re gonna love it! Then to begin planning for what’s next!    Next is more of the same. W&W Films is a faith-based entity. Our mission statement is to produce quality, wholesome entertainment that kids can watch without them saying, “Boring!”) If I do say so myself, if a kid watched Kielia step out of her time orb and is put off they need to get less phone time and more activity time. Dishes is a good start.    Our country is on a Bobsled to hell. And it’s a wild ride. I won’t number all the transgressions here, but I will say that at time

Phillip Mamouf Wifarts

Taking a firm stance can be commendable in a lot of things, but taking an  stance in politics can be disastrous. I recently  did that. Let me explain.   Now before I embark on this literary Hari Kari let me reiterate. I think Donald Trump would be the next big thing for the Presidency. With the economy, the border, the irrelevance of the Constitution and ANY thought of a second term for Biden, it’s a no brainer. And, if you, like me, think this will transpire then, like me, you are as crazy as an outhouse rat!   It is becoming crystal clear that Biden won the election. Now wait, hear me out. You must understand that all politics are shady, and all Politicians are crooked. They are so crooked that when someone finally gets around to assassinating one of them you don’t have to bury them. All you have to do is drive a stick through their ears and screw them in the ground.    Biden was a consummate politician. Trump was not. Biden stole more votes than Trump. He “won” the election. Learn i

God Said NO!

I asked God to take away my habit. God said, no. It is not for me to take away but for you to give it up.    I asked God to heal my handicapped son . God said no. His spirit is whole his body is only temporary.    I asked God to give me patience but God said no . Patience is a by-product of tribulations. It isn't granted it is learned.   I asked God to give me happiness but God said no . I give you blessings happiness is up to you.   I asked God to spare me pain but God said no . Suffering draws you apart from worldly cares and brings you closer to me.   I asked God to make my spirit grow but God said no . You must grow on your own but I will prune you and make you fruitful.    I asked God for all things that I might enjoy life but God said no . I will give you life so you may enjoy all things.    I asked God to help me love others as He has loved me. God said ah, now you have the idea.    The day is yours don't throw it away .      Author unknown

The Passion of the Christ

  The Passion of the Christ   Look at this picture. Unassuming. Railroad ties sold for landscaping at Tractor Supply in Dover, Tennessee. Although these Tennessee boys are pretty stout, it usually takes two to load these up. They are treated with creosote. That’s a chemical that keeps the bugs out. In times past, pitch or tar may have been used. But again, an unassuming sight. That is until you put one on the shoulders of a man who was beaten all night and whipped thirty-nine times with a whip capped off with razor blades.    And why did this happen? Roman records for it, if recorded at all, would reflect the usual dispensing of a usual common criminal. The Procurator of Judea at the time was Pontius Pilate. Opinions since that time have described him as everything from a weak puppet of the High Priest of the Temple in Jerusalem to a homicidal sociopath. He was somewhere in the middle.    He was a Roman military officer. With aspirations that made him wonder why he’d been assigned to a

Tin Soldiers and Nixon’s Coming

  Tin Soldiers and Nixon’s Coming   On May 4, 1970 the world stood still. The sixties had ended, and Richard Nixon was in office. A law-and-order president who vowed to give all the hippies a haircut, repeal the civil rights act, and restore America to whatever fantasy it had been living in for the previous one hundred and ninty-four years.    The youth of America had some serious grievances. Just for starters there was a draft. Finishing school for all boys over eighteen years of age with all ten fingers could be enlisted in the army on graduation day and sent to Vietnam for their senior trip. IQ tests were not required, and girls were exempt because at that time it was recognized that girls were not boys. Some boys did try to pretend to be girls at the induction center, but one “short arm” inspection cleared that up.    Suffice to say the students at Kent State had real issues. And Nixon had a real solution. Without going through all the why’s and wherefores of the politics of the er

The Rules of War?

  by Kent Franks I wish we humans would stop all of this senseless killing that we've been doing to each other since we rolled up out of Africa.  Don't get me wrong back in those days, 50,000 years ago, you needed to have the tribe or the clan with you in order to survive.  Because the world back in those days was a really dangerous💀🦣🐅🐆☠️ place for humans. We don't have any fangs or claws and when it comes to physical strength pound for pound we ain't 💩,.. and, we're only apex predators because of our advance mental abilities  ( Most of us anyway ) So the clan and the tribe was essential back then for survival.  Throughout the millennia we've only fought over religious, social, ethnic, cultural and superstitious BS.  And then someone comes up with rules for war.  why the 🖕 would I want treat my enemy with respect? (( I think I could personally treat my enemy with decency )),...but like, I always say, MANY people are just filled up with roar emotions which

So You Have A Dream?

  I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.   Martin Luther King Jr         Now that we have that nonsense out of the way I will tell you the truth, and the truth will set you free. Freedom of speech is a slippery slope. One man’s speech is another man’s curse. All debates are in actuality an explanation of different points of view. The object of a debate is to sway the opinion of listeners. And why are there listeners? Because most are followers while very few are leaders.    This especially applies to religious debates. Picture this. You take a Catholic priest, an Islamic Allamah, an atheist, and Billy Joe Jim Bob, pastor of the First Baptist Church and Catfish House, put them all together on a stage and try to get a consensus. Now  that  takes faith, brother. Can I have an Amen?   Political theory is just as difficult. Take communism. Please! No, work with

TLBTalk Radio: The Balfour Declaration – Then & Now

Image   TLBTalk Radio: The Balfour Declaration – Then & Now

God Moves in Mysterious Ways

  The Lord moves in mysterious ways. Everyone’s heard that. It sounds like a dodge or excuse for the times that something doesn’t seem to make any sense and we just throw that out there so we can move on to the newest iPhone. But the Lord doesn’t make phone calls. He makes miracles. One such miracle was Kielia.     Kielia came one night after a party. I went to bed properly anesthetized. I slept fitfully until around three in the morning. Then I woke. That disturbing wakefulness one has after too much party and too little rest.    When I’d wake like that usually I’d sit at my desk and write. I lived in a garage apartment. Bed, desk, shower. Every day I’d write for the various publications I submitted for. All political. All soul draining. All destined for nowhere. Yet “the boxer still remained.”   I’d just returned from California. I’d lost my family. Lost my business. And lost my mind. Not all of it. Just the part that made me a member of the human race. In California I’d found Occati

The Gospel According to Wilbur

          the·ol·o·gy   /THēˈäləjē/   noun the study of the nature of God and religious belief. "a theology degree" o   religious beliefs and theory when  systematically  developed  plural noun :  theologies "a willingness to tolerate new theologies."     God made man, man made religion, and religion made theology!  Loosely defined, theology is the understanding of Theo, which is loosely defined as God, a God, or many Gods. That is that attempt to understand something you have previously defined as beyond all understanding. And it that doesn’t define crazy I’m not a white boy from Austin.    Insanity is loosely defined as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Such as re-marrying an ex-wife, putting Apaches on a reservation, or sticking Palestinians on the Gaza Strip. Yeah, I’m gonna go there. Saddle up!   The usual path to this understanding of theology or world events is some holy book, arbitrarily defined as scripture. And scri

Whiskey Anyone?

  The Western Mind will never comprehend the Middle East. Mentality has evolved since Moses chiseled those commandments on those tablets and told a captive crowd “God did it!” When asked at what stage did we become human an archaeologist said when we found a healed femur thereby proving that someone took care of someone who was no longer of any use to them. The femur healed. Sadly, we have been devising new ways to break femurs ever since, and new ways to charge for the healing.    God made man, man made religion, and religion made theology. There was no Adam and Eve. There was the first primate who became self-aware, and began to reflect on death. Before that death was just a sleep from which there is no awakening. The apple was not the problem in the garden of Eden. It was after Eve ate the mushrooms off the bark of the apple tree that the snake started talking. Snakes don’t talk, folks . . .Google it!   If there is a God so great that He can create the cosmos and set it twirling in

Marching Across Montana

We have finally solved the mystery about why The Butcher Shop was expunged from WordPress. First, a little history here. —> I <— picked WordPress years ago to store articles and ideas that were stacking up in my office. I picked it because it was a garbage dump. No direction, no morals, no inspiration. Perfect! By and by we had dominated the feed, just like we did the Tea Party Tribune and a few others. We started calling ourselves The Butcher Shop and some fool referred to us as a blog. Kay Sarah Sarah. Poof! We’re a blog. We began to use the garbage dump as our flagship. 14,000 times later we were launching our stuff from there solely because the format was easy.    We did this to give a venue for our writers. Early on I had learned that the Tea Party Tribune would not publish my stuff unless I signed it with my “real” name. I convinced them to allow me to pen my blasphemies under “Bill the Butcher.” Later I got them to let me just call myself The Butcher Shop. So . . . Folks l