
Showing posts from February, 2025

Hell Hath No Fury

 From Mariah Lee Gardner It’s been 10 months. In an hour, 10 months ago, they would have finally called “time of death”. I imagine that Willow was in recovery next to Rosalie…moments away from going into cardiac arrest. She had already fought for 5 long hours. Her body just couldn’t take anymore. The doctors would call the “code blue” and then attempt chest compressions. They would inject her with a cocktail of drugs until opening her chest to manually massage her heart was the only other option. My baby’s heart was literally in their hands. To no avail, despite every effort, the damage her father did to her was too much for modern medicine to overcome. Willow Grace went to be with Jesus. Rosalie would never see her baby sister again.  Tonight was the first time Rosalie has asked to sleep with a picture of Willow. She has talked about her every day this week. I can’t express what I would endure to take away her pain. She should have never been forced to be this strong. She sho...


  Father Simon Imagine a couple, their hands intertwined, faces gazing into each other's eyes, frozen in time for over 6,000 years. This poignant scene was unveiled in 2007 near Mantua, Italy, when archaeologists discovered the "Lovers of Valdaro," two Neolithic skeletons locked in an eternal embrace.  The male and female individuals, both under 20 years old at the time of death, were found facing each other with their arms and legs entwined, suggesting a deeply personal connection. The male skeleton was discovered with a flint arrowhead near his neck, while the female had a long flint blade along her thigh and two flint knives beneath her pelvis. However, osteological examinations revealed no evidence of violent death, indicating these items were likely grave goods rather than instruments of death.  To preserve and study this unique find, archaeologists opted to keep the couple together. The entire block of earth containing the skeletons was carefully excavated and trans...

The Effect of Accountability

      If you think bureaucrats or civil servants are there to serve you, I have a bridge for you and it’s on sale! When I got my last divorce, I was expected to deliver the paperwork to the Monument Café in Georgetown Texas. I had been instructed to leave it under a sugar bowl. I couldn’t just hand it to my soon to be ex because the CPS didn’t want any contact between us. No, she wasn’t at the court hearing because I had to represent both sides and the Child Protective Services was protecting all parties involved. All of this stemmed from my having had words with one of their lawyers in the hallway of the courthouse and it was decided that I was “aggressive.” Now they wanted immediate delivery that day and I informed the judge whereupon he sent the bailiff with me to process the ruling at the district clerk’s window.   Well, I presented myself before this fine upstanding county employee and she received my order with suitable professionalism telling me that I would r...

Little Red Riding Republican Walks Like an Egyptian

      Once upon a time there was a little girl who lived in a great kingdom. And she was happy. She had mommy and daddy and grandma and four little brothers. They all lived happily in a big blue house on a mountain. And each day she would walk to school and see her friends. She wore a red hoodie that kept her warm on cold days. She was known as Little Red Riding Republican. And each day when she came home her little dog, Cleo would greet her at the door of the big blue house, and they would run and play in the orchard behind the big blue house. And life was good.   Then one day pestilence descended upon the kingdom. Wizards rose shouting, “Woe Woe Woe! It is the end of the world and everyone will die lest they drink a magic potion called vaccine in multiple increments. But even then all subjects in the kingdom must lock their doors and not venture out for death’s there and on that day they will surely die.   And on days whereupon they are allowed to fetch food a...

My Generation Is Blind to the Prosperity Around Us!

  From Miss Alyssa Ahlgren I'm sitting in a small coffee shop near Nokomis (Florida) trying to think of what to write about. I scroll through my newsfeed on my phone looking at the latest headlines of presidential candidates calling for policies to "fix" the so-called injustices of capitalism. I put my phone down and continue to look around. I see people talking freely, working on their MacBook's, ordering food they get in an instant, seeing cars go by outside, and it dawned on me. We live in the most privileged time in the most prosperous nation and we've become completely blind to it. Vehicles, food, technology, freedom to associate with whom we choose.These things are so ingrained in our American way of life we don't give them a second thought. We are so well off here in the United States that our poverty line begins 31 times above the global average. Thirty One Times!!! Virtually no one in the United States is considered poor by global standards. Yet, in a...

They’re Here, They’re There, They’re Everywhere; So BEWARE!

  Our Texas Representatives in the House and the Senate have lost their minds. Senator Middleton as introduced Senate Bill 404. In that Bill it tells us that our local governments, can only invest money in investment pools under the control of the State Comptroller.  It gives the local government X amount of time to divest from any investments they are currently invested in and make it mandatory they reinvest in only the State approved investment in their particular pool.  This is a gross overreach by the State Government into our local county and city governments. They should not be able to tells us how and where we can invest our money, our tax dollars at the City and County levels. They should not be able to tell us, we can only invest our money with their approved investment pool. It sounds like somebody somewhere is lining their pockets by forcing our local and city governments to invest in their investment firms. This Bill goes into effect September 1, 2025. Our law...

Would You Like To See My Puppy Little Girl?

  From: Bob Bob I have a powerful missionary testimonial to share showing what being an LDS missionary is all about. Please read and awaken to pure truthfulness. My good friend Ruby, an LDS sister who lives in the Philippines in a small poor village in the province says these young Mormon missionary boys (always in pairs and, of course American missionaries) often march into the surrounding villages unwelcome and aggressive. There are many many cases where these pairs cornered young girls alone out of the home and brutally molested these hard working girls as young as eight years old. With the missionary boys are finished they leave the frightened girl in a flooded ditch as she is broken, bloody, soaked, and dirty from being shoved to the dirt. As the pair marches off in the name of the LORD, their heads high clutching the BOM there lays the poor girl on the side of the road alive and shaking but under the protection of God’s grace to fight against the evil. None of these boys are...

Get Out of Hell Free Cards

      “ And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise.”   Sometime during the first century AD Jesus uttered these words from a grassy hilltop in Israel. All the six hundred and thirty three regulations, laws, traditions and bar talk all boiled down to one simple idea. What goes around comes around!   And prophets, believers, non-believers, rich men, poor women, teachers, students and politicians have been beating poor old Jesus up ever since. The entirety of mankind endeavored to live life in peace so long as they got a piece.   Last night I put up with a video from some preacher who had long since lost his faith as he enumerated the errors and contradictions in the Bible that caused him to doubt everything he’d based his life on. Now bear in mind this nincompoop based his church services on tap dancing on a stage uttering nonsensical gibberish because he read in the aforementioned document that he could understand all languages wi...