1John 3:10

 1 John 3:10

By this (someone’s Lifestyle) it is EVIDENT who are the Children of God, and who are the Children of the Devil: WHOEVER does NOT practice (to live a Life of) RIGHTEOUSNESS is NOT of God, nor is the one who does NOT love their Brother (or, Sister).

How would you want someone to PERCEIVE you when they come to know you?  Will they understand without a doubt that you represent 100% of God’s Kingdom of Heaven?  Will they not refute that you are indeed a loyal FOLLOWER of the Victorious King of Glory, Jesus?  Are you a reflection of the things that Jesus instructed us to adhere to…such as LOVE even your enemies that come against you?  Will they see you as a GIVER of your time and money to those in need?  Will they witness your eagerness to PRAY for others and BELIEVE in FAITH for Miracles to manifest as a Supernatural BLESSING for someone in need?  Will your conversations eventually be solely about the Awesomeness of a LOVING Heavenly Father…Who sent His ONLY begotten Son to brutally die on a Cross for EVERYONE who chooses to BELIEVE in Him?  And will they know without one doubt that you have accepted Jesus as YOUR Lord and Savior?  What’d THINK?

Isn’t it rather easy to DISCERN which camp that some Politicians, most of Hollywood, a great deal of the media, College Professors, certain Unions, those who protests against ungodly things ( you’ll have to determine which protesters scream the loudest as they hold up their signs of hatred and disgust)…and even a few Churches have “Sold-Out” to a FEEL-GOOD message where…”If it FEELS GOOD…then just Do-It?”  Yeah…I think it’s easy to determine who is sleeping in the Camp of the Devil…or, who is WIDE-AWAKE within God’s Camp of RIGHTEOUSNESS.

We only have One banner to wave as we leave our Camp of Protection…God’s Flag of POWER, TRUTH, LIGHT, LOVE…and LIFE…as we charge into the enemies camp as BOLD and COURAGEOUS Warriors of Gods Kingdom.  Did I mention that we are also escorted by Mighty Warring Angels of LIGHT with Jesus leading the charge?  Yep…there’s that!!!

Have a BLESSED Sunday Y’all!!!

A great day to hang-out at God’s Camp today.



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