
Showing posts from July, 2024

Did Girls Have Sex on Their Minds

  From The Grass Slasher 🫦Did Girls Have Sex on Their Minds When Watching Elvis in the '50s? “Screaming girls”—that was a recurring theme in newspaper reviews of Elvis’ stage shows in 1956 and 1957. At almost every stop, the girls screamed so loud that no one could hear Elvis sing. Even the musicians on stage had trouble hearing each other. Scotty Moore once said, “We were the first band directed by an ass.” He meant that because of all the screaming, he and the other musicians couldn’t hear Elvis sing, so they took their cues from watching Elvis move from behind. Elvis himself explained that at times in 1957 he had to cover his ears with his hands so that he could hear himself sing. These days girls screaming at a concert is not unusual, but back in 1956 and 1957 it was a new phenomenon. It frightened some adults and puzzled nearly all of them. Sinatra’s fans had certainly gotten excited and some swooned, but they hadn’t abandoned all reason and screamed hysterically and continua

We Reserve the Right Refuse Service to You

    Normally I don’t say much concerning “The Sons of Abraham.” That, and following the words of the Prophet, Dave Chapelle, I dodge connecting the two words “The” and “Jews.” That’s because they may not actually control The World Bank, but they sure as hell control the entertainment industry and I need their money. Shalom! That having been said, I’m talking about all the sons of Abraham under the various understandings of sacred texts handed to the rest of humanity down through the millennia as the closing documents of a Real Estate deal.   First things first: The Middle East contains 6.3% of the world’s population and 1.4% of the world’s renewable freshwater. Now I’m just a Simple Ole Boy from Austin but if you ask me that’s one hell of a promotion program that can convince the other 93.7% hanging around the third rock from the sun that they have anything to say about anything at all!   Now, before all the religious nuts condemn me to hell, (except the Mormons because I’m descended f

Looks Like Iran Might Need a Little “Freedom” Over There!

  Click For News Story

HOPE does NOT put us to shame

  Romans 5:5 And HOPE does NOT put us to shame, because God's LOVE has been poured into our Hearts through the Holy Spirit Who has been given to us. Do you realize as Christians we are BLESSED beyond measure over those who have not found a relationship with Jesus?  They haven’t experienced the Supernatural presence of His Spirit.  They haven’t felt the true POWER of His LOVE, TRUTH…and RESURRECTING touch of His MIRACLES and FAVOR. We have that HOPE of knowing that God’s promises are indeed VALID and TRUE. Have a BLESSED Wednesday Y’all!!! VQ

The Art of the Steal

  From: Kent Franks         Trumpeteers, how come you people NEVER explain things clearly!  You only put in the good parts of the subject you are addressing @ the moment!  You must stop doing it,...and explain the WHOLE truth not just the parts of the truth you like. You see, disinformation and misinformation is out there primarily because of people like Trumpeteers. I don't think you try to do it, but you're so far up Trump's you know what AKA devotion and blind commitment that you have this ridiculous admiration for this Criminal.  I think someone even said that Trump never lies on one of my posts yesterday which explains, or I should say exhibits their blind commitment to this man,... because we (( all )) lie! And yet you say Trump never lies! Like they live in the same house with this man!  They talk to this man everyday. They  have a personal relationship with this man,... but they don't know this man on a personal level, so how can they say that he never lies?

Hit The Purple Light

   I know there are a lot of X’s, Z’s, and even Millennials out there puzzling over the title of this article but let me explain. To combat my depression after my first divorce my mother put me to work as a doorman in a whorehouse. The cover for the place was that it was a dance club where semi-nude girls would dance on a stage and display their wares to young soldiers from Fort Hood looking for “ diversion.” To camouflage stretch marks the stage would be bathed in purple light to give the illusion of something that is not. A purple light can make a 40 look like a 20. And verily, verily I say unto you, the purple lights are on for this election. Now . . . on with the article.    The Democrats have mounted a campaign against Donald Trump since he took the oath of office. From that crazy lady on her knees screaming, “No!” to the rifle shot in Pennsylvania, it’s been uphill there and uphill back. Biden stresses over and over again that Trump is bad for Democracy, as he mumbles through ano

And let us NOT grow weary

  Galatians 6:9 And let us NOT grow weary of doing GOOD (for the things of God’s Kingdom), for in “Due Season” we will reap, if we do NOT Give-Up. Have you ever witnessed a Miracle before?  Some of us have seen with our very own eyes someone miraculously HEALED after a simple prayer.  Others have had a plethora of “NEAR MISSES” in life from potential accidents, storms, dangerous places…and most of the World watched a MIRACLE unfold as a supersonic bullet had streaked passed by the very moment when God had a President turn his head so that the bullet would only GRAZE his ear.   Can you just imagine the disappointment and cursing that was shouted all through the darkness, media, some on the opposing party…when the President was SAVED?  Don’t believe me read some of the messages that were written across this dark World. Bottom line here this morning.  NEVER Give-Up on our Most Awesome God…because He’ll NEVER Give-Up on YOU.  Stay consistent in His ways…just like the President…He’s not fin

Miles and Miles of Texas

  Back in Texas! After a month and some change I have returned home. We left just enough furniture in Dover to present the house there to prospective buyers. The drive home was uneventful. We had a crew waiting and three ours after our arrival the truck was unloaded and returned. I was pleasantly surprised this morning that my Kurig was in good health and even though my charging cord for my cart is missing, it’s fully charged and I’m in an area where charging cords are to be had! I have learned a lot in the last three years. I have learned about what I call “The myth of family.” Family are those who support you. Everyone else is on the menu. Money talks and should you have some all the have nots will walk toward you. The universal law of attraction. Keep a pretty one and run all the other ones off.  I am abandoning this and all other myths and throwing myself headfirst into Witt & Wittier. First, I need to teach my partner, Vic Quinton, to count to one! I believe right now we are

The Quantum Power of the Human Spirit

      Rebellion and subversion come in many forms. In WWII resistance fighters would frequently be simple postal clerks who would delay packages to set the NAZI’s back a bit and destroy their famous German efficiency. Prisoners routinely devise elaborate business and communication networks right under the noses of staff with reliability that Verizon hasn’t achieved yet. The entire Book of Revelations is written in code and we still do not know what the Doctor in Ancient Egypt gave the Babylonian woman for Herpes Simplex.  All we know is he cured her, and we don’t have it.   And while we’re talking about Egypt, check out them Pyramids. So meticulously constructed that it just had to be aliens. They say it took twenty years to build the big one. I ask, only twenty? It takes our highway department that long to build a flyway in Austin.   Roads? Our Interstate system is under repair. The Appian Way has been doing fine since Julius Caesar left office. When I was around five I got an earache