
Showing posts from July, 2023

Beware of the Algorithm

    By Bill the Butcher   As all of you, I have struggled with internet censorship ever since Mark Zuckerberg and others of his ilk discovered the word  algorithm.  For those of you who aren’t in the know, an algorithm is a subroutine slipped insidiously into an application online to perform some duty that the originator of said code is either too ignorant or too lazy to do themselves Mano ã Mano thereby consigning said duty to some some of result of Artificial Intelligence we call an  Algorithm !   There are now thousands of algorithms lurking about in the shadows to keep us all on the straight and narrow should we slip into freedom of speech, original thought, or disagreement with any of the countless rules of engagement devised by certain sexually confused individuals on the payroll of other paper tigers that currently form our masters.    We, as human beings tend to believe that somewhere out there in the digital void there are actual other human beings pulling the silicon strings

I Love That Little Girl

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God Is Love

  1 Corinthians 13:4-8  LOVE is PATIENT and KIND; LOVE does not ENVY or BOAST; it is not ARROGANT or RUDE.  It does not insist on its own way; it is not IRRITABLE or RESENTFUL; it does not rejoice at WRONGDOING, but rejoices with the TRUTH.  LOVE bears ALL things, BELIEVES all things, HOPES all things, ENDURES all things.  LOVE never ends.  As for prophecies, they will pass away; as for tongues, they will cease; as for knowledge, it will pass away. What’s the best way to show your LOVE to someone?  FORGIVE them.  You say, “You don’t understand…they really hurt me…and they could care less.”  Why did Jesus ask God to FORGIVE those evil individuals that were mocking, laughing, spitting at, cursing…and screaming at Him to die?  Because…in spite of all the torture and suffering He went through for that entire day…He still LOVED each one of those ungodly Souls…and knew that His Father in Heaven would cast a special judgement upon them for killing His Son.  A sentence that would last for an E

The Holy Spirit Will Pray

  Matthew 6:9-13 Pray then like this: “Our Father in Heaven, hallowed be your Name. Your Kingdom come, your WILL be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.  Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.  And lead us not into temptation, but DELIVER us from evil.” During the ministry of Jesus…hundreds of followers wanted to find a meaningful way to reach the ear of God.  Most of them came from an assortment of different religions…where PRAYING to Idols…and offering up all kinds of different things to these false gods would be the only way to receive a blessing.  Need a good crop?  Pray to the Sun god.  Actually, they had a god for every need…or, want that they could every hope for…all they had to do is recite endless prayers…and for some…even sacrifice one of their children to their favorite god of the day. Jesus knew their hearts and understood FULLY their concerns.  So He immediately gave them the perfect template of a PERFECT Prayer that

If you seek wisdom

  Proverbs 1:7 The FEAR of the Lord is the BEGINNING of KNOWLEDGE; fools despise WISDOM and INSTRUCTION. Do you know what the difference is between KNOWLEDGE and WISDOM?  Knowing that a tomato is actually a fruit is an example of KNOWLEDGE…not putting that tomato in a fruit salad is WISDOM. King Solomon fully understood that it would be impossible to govern a Nation without the WISDOM of God.  So, as his first request (in a vivid dream)…he asked the Mighty God of Heaven for WISDOM…rather, than Health, Wealth…and POWER.  God was so pleased that He not only gave him the knowledge and wisdom that would surpass any person who has ever lived…He also threw in ALL the riches and POWER as well. 1 Kings 3:9 “Give your servant therefore an understanding mind to GOVERN your people, that I may DISCERN between GOOD and EVIL, for who is able to govern this your great people?” Take a look at our Politicians.  Can you see the ones who FEAR God?  What about the godless mouthpieces spewing hatred from a

Have You Even Got a Clue?

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Knock and God Will Let the Dawgs Out!

  Matthew 7:7 “Ask, and it WILL be given to you; SEEK, and you WILL find; KNOCK, and it WILL be OPENED to you.” Would you believe that there are actually thousands…if not millions…of Christians who are just “One Ask Away” from receiving their BLESSING?  Problem is…they haven’t ASKED God.  They’ve shared their wants, needs and wishes with EVERYONE else…but somehow have forgotten to ASK the only One with the POWER to supernaturally manifest a dream into reality…the Mighty God of Heaven. The very moment you humbly present yourself to our Heavenly Father…all of Heaven understands fully that YOU come on behalf of your Lord and Savior, Jesus.  You are ROYALTY…in spite of your current status of being apart of the physical World…because the very instant you find yourself in an attitude of prayer…your status is now upgraded to that of a CITIZEN of Heaven…an Heir to the Kingdom. ASK…and it will be given to you.  In fact…expect BLESSINGS and FAVOR that will far exceed your wildest expectations. H

Never Give Up Doing Good

  Galatians 6:9 And let us (as BELIEVERS in the Mighty God of Heaven) NOT grow weary of doing GOOD, for in Due-Season we WILL reap, if we do NOT Give-Up. How many times have you witnessed a Street Preacher standing on a corner…BOLDLY sharing the Gospel to a crowd full of mockers and blasphemers who are throwing insults back at the Messenger of God?  These ungodly Folks are actually the one’s that this message of HOPE, TRUTH, LOVE…and LIFE Eternal…are for…and because of the persistence of this one VOICE of God shouting from that soapbox…many have come to know Jesus. Do you realize how many Christians would have given up on pursuing this form of ministry…because of the constant barrage of attacks from demons who have controlled these lives…and now here’s this street Preacher SHARING the “GOOD-NEWS of Jesus…and His plan of Salvation to EVERYONE who chooses to accept Him as Lord and Savior of their Life…and is now being offered as a way out of the grip of Devil’s grasp…and into the loving

Weekly Commentary by Karrie (The Puck) #3

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I Chose You

  John 15:16 You did NOT choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide, so that WHATEVER you ask the Father in My Name (Jesus), He (the Mighty God of Heaven) may give it to you. As BELIEVERS in the Most High God of EVERYTHING…and steadfast FOLLOWERS of the King of Glory, Jesus…we sometimes fail to remember the miraculous transformation that we ALL went through the moment we accepted Jesus as our Lord and Savior.  A Supernatural New Birth within the Spiritual Realm EXPLODED our Names throughout the vastness of ALL Creation…signifying that WE are now Citizens of Heaven…capable of utilizing the very same POWER of Jesus…that now resides within each of us…who now have the Holy Spirit dwelling within us. Jesus CHOSE us as His very best to represent His Kingdom.  He had full confidence in the plans that our Heavenly Father designed for each of us personally…so that we could be successful in promoting the GOOD-THINGS of God.  Hi

The Truth About Waco

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Biden Can’t Cut The Mustard Any More

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Last Call

  John 16:13 When the Spirit of TRUTH (the Holy Spirit) comes, He will guide you into ALL the TRUTH, for He will NOT speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears (from the Throne of God) He will speak, and He will declare to you the things that are to come. I wanted to ENCOURAGE you this morning with incredible NEWS of what our Heavenly Father has for YOU.  Don’t let the current situation of this chaotic World be a hindrance in effecting your FAITH, HOPE, TRUTH, BELIEVING the PROMISES of God…and the unconditional LOVE that our Lord and Savior, Jesus has for EVERYONE on this planet…(and yes…that’s for the SAVED…and unsaved as well). Expect a sudden manifestation of MIRACLES, Supernatural EVENTS unfolding that will shock the World, evil agents of darkness becoming EXPOSED by the Marvelous LIGHT of God’s JUSTICE and JUDGEMENT, forgotten plans you gave up on…as God revives them and brings them back into completion as He promised…and soon…and very soon…the World’s greatest REVIVAL will

I Love That Little Girl

  I Love That Little Girl   Had a most interesting chat with a supporter today. Terri, in North Carolina has been a follower of mine for years. She has bought into every sound bite the Republicans could put out, and it has scared her half to death. She always runs to me for advice. Poor soul. Her current concern is the idea of Michelle Obama running for president.  Now, before I give my answer to her, I’d like to tell you that I was recently banned from WordPress. We’re gonna  look at that. I’ve been stewing about something for three days and I may as well get it out now.    I’d been at WordPress for ten years, thousands of articles, and the only reason I was even there was back in 2012 someone suggested that I start a blog and WordPress was just the first one that popped up on my Google search. And it had the word “Word” in it, so there’s that.    WordPress was a free for all. I’d looked at and had used it. Using it to this day, but WordPress did have some ways to dance up

Things that go bump in the road

Jeremiah 17:7-8 “BLESSED is the man (or, woman) who TRUST in the Lord, whose TRUST is the Lord.  They are like a tree planted by water, that sends out its roots by the stream, and does NOT fear when heat comes, for its leaves remain green, and is NOT anxious in the year of drought, for it does NOT cease to bear FRUIT.” There’s one thing for certain in life…it’s not always going to be a smooth ride to the finish line of your Victory…sometimes there just might be a bump in the road…or, maybe even a detour or two before you get there.  The GREAT news here is…you WILL get there.  How’s that?  Because YOU are a BELIEVER in the Mighty God of Heaven…and TRUST in His heartfelt promises that He WILL help you cross that finish line…and fulfill the incredible plans He designed for you personally. Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the PLANS I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for WELFARE and NOT for EVIL, to give you a FUTURE and a HOPE. It’s HOT here in Texas…yet…we have the cooling SHADE of the Alm