
Showing posts from April, 2023

And this Gospel of the Kingdom (of God) will be PROCLAIMED

  Matthew 24:14 And this Gospel of the Kingdom (of God) will be PROCLAIMED throughout the whole World as a testimony to ALL Nations, and then the end will come. So when was the last time that you mustard up a bit of courage and actually SHARED something…ANYTHING about Jesus?  Would it surprise you if I told you that there are THOUSANDS of Folks who have made their commitment to make it to their Churches…each and every Sunday.  There are those that are dedicated in praying to the Mighty God of Heaven for the things that maintain a Godly Lifestyle…after all He feeds the Sparrows…how much more will He provide for that Weekend BBQ…right? What do these individuals remind me of…dime-store mannequins…always dressed to impress…but lifeless as a molded piece of plastic.  So…what can WE as BELIEVERS in the Mighty God of Heaven…and steadfast FOLLOWERS of the King of Kings…Lord of ALL Lords…and the Savior of this dark World, Jesus…what can WE do to SHARE the “Good News” of our King of Glory, Jesus

Let NOT the Wise Man BOAST

  Jeremiah 9:23-24 Thus says the Lord: “Let NOT the Wise Man BOAST in his (mortal) WISDOM, let NOT the mighty man boast in his MIGHT, let NOT the rich man BOAST in his RICHES, but let him who BOASTS…BOAST in this, that he UNDERSTANDS and KNOWS Me (the Mighty God of Heaven), that I AM the Lord who practices steadfast LOVE, JUSTICE, and RIGHTEOUSNESS in the eEarth.  For in these things I DELIGHT, declares the Lord.” I often read this Scripture to myself…whenever I find myself becoming a bit OVERWHELMED at how my Gracious Heavenly Father continues to Supernaturally BLESS me with His FAVOR…in spite of my inabilities to accomplish ANYTHING on my own physical…or, mental MERIT.  Of course I can START and FINISH a project, a song, a script…or…anything else that I’ve felt compelled to tackle…but what I’ve come to UNDERSTAND…it’s my Most Awesome God that is the One WHO is SOLELY responsible for manifesting EVERYTHING that follows the START of EVERYTHING…all the way through to the FINISH-LINE of

Delight yourself in the Lord

  Psalm 37:4-6 Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the DESIRES of your Heart. Commit your way to the Lord; TRUST in Him, and He WILL act.  He WILL bring forth your RIGHTEOUSNESS as the LIGHT, and your JUSTICE as the Noonday. For those of you who have found their Life filled with constant STRUGGLES, LONELINESS, WORRY, DOUBTS, HOPELESSNESS, SHAME…and having an EMPTINESS within…I want to introduce YOU to my Jesus.  Now it’s not anything that I bring to the table…for after all…who am I to be so bold as to say that I can bring you to meet with this King of Glory?  A Mighty King that will take the time to meet with YOU heart to heart. Have you not tried to cope with the things of this physical World?  Working tirelessly as the pressures of Life begin to overwhelm you?  You’ve held the weight of responsibilities on your shoulders…as demands from WORK, RELATIONSHIPS, BILLS, COMMITMENTS…seemed to have crush your DREAMS from the pressures of the STRESS placed upon you from a greed

Don’t Sink the Boat

  Galatians 6:9 And let us NOT grow WEARY of doing GOOD, for in “Due Season” WE (who BELIEVE in the Mighty God of Heaven…and FOLLOW the King of Glory, Jesus) WILL reap (in God’s BLESSINGS and FAVOR), if we do NOT Give-Up. Let this sink in for a moment.  Can you just imagine if Noah made the decision to give up on FINISHING the Ark after building on it for decades?  What if Lot decided not to listen to the Angels and flee the city before God rained down fire and sulfur on Sodom and Gomorrah?  How many thousands of Hebrews would have been slaughtered by Pharaoh’s army if Moses wouldn’t have slammed that rod into the banks of the Red Sea and God parted it…allowing millions to cross over on a DRY sea bed?  How bout if a young David didn’t follow his confidence in God and pick up that stone and sling it into the forehead of the Philistine’s champion, Goliath?  And last…but certainly NOT the LEAST…what if our Lord and Savior, Jesus decided NOT to die a horrible death on that Cross…shedding H

Hitler’s Traitors

By Mike King The damage done by the internal German "resistance" was always thought to be, by this researcher, a contributing factor to Germany's defeat, but not a decisive one. However, after doing a days-long deep dive into the subject (initiated by an excellent and accurate 2-hour video documentary sent to me by a reader) -- it may be time to edit "The Bad War." The known treason-from-within was much worse than most people, even seasoned researchers, actually realize -- and that's not even including the unknown subversives whose names and activities were never discovered or declassified by the US or the UK! It is clear now that were it not for the traitorous aristocratic officers, the genius Hitler would have captured the Strait of Gibraltar and controlled the Mediterranean in 1940, seized the Caucasus in 1941 or 42, knocked out the Soviet Union and set up an anti-communist Russia, joined forces with the Arabs (just south of the Caucasus) and cleared the


  CenterVille   Johnny Johnson was in “special class.” In 1947 learning disabilities were simple. You were either considered “normal” or you were retarded and confined to a class with likeminded individuals be it low IQ, dyslexia, or any other condition that made one stand out in the crowd of otherwise regular students. Johnny was in the last year that he would be allowed in public school, but like his classmates, he’d never see graduation because “retardos” didn’t graduate, they were dismissed.    This didn’t stop him from having friend on both sides of the intellectual spectrum. One of his friends was nine-year-old Carol Ann, a fourth grader who aspired to be a teacher when she grew up. A quick child with blonde curls, who saw Johnny as a big brother she didn’t have. They met in the cafeteria each day and Johnny would always split his desert with Carol. She didn’t see him as different in spite of her mother’s warnings about him, just knowing that he was “not in her class.” She truste

Blue Bell Sunday

  1 Thessalonians 4:17 Then we (BELIEVERS in the Mighty God of Heaven…and FOLLOWERS of Jesus) who are ALIVE, who are left, will be “CAUGHT-UP” (Raptured) together with them in the Clouds to meet the Lord in the AIR, and so we will ALWAYS be with the Lord. Would you BELIEVE that there are literally THOUSANDS of Christians that actually don’t BELIEVE in the ”RAPTURE” of the Church?  Why is that?  Because they say, “Well…the word RAPTURE isn’t in the Bible.” News Alert!!!  Neither is Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla Ice cream…nor, is there one single mention of Twinkies.  But yet they exist…in fact there’s probably a Twinkie still perfectly preserved in some Egyptian’s tomb…still fresh…and just as delectable as the moment it was packaged and box at Area 51’s Air Base in Lincoln County, Nevada. Isn’t it quite ironic how the people of Noah’s day MOCKED, LAUGHED, CURSED…and RIDICULED Noah and his family as they built the Ark?  This ungodly civilization continued to PARTY, MARRY (to whom…and whatev

What Did You Come To The Desert To See?

        What did you come into the desert to see    The next night John entered the park from the Main Street side. There was a playground. Usual stuff. Slides, swings, no monkey bars. Monkey bars were a thing of the past. Those of the “Z” generation didn’t have the survival skills of the Baby Boomers. Consequently, no insurance company would cover monkey bars or metal slides.    Beyond the playground were trees. The kind you find at the base of the Wasatch. Peach trees and cherries. No tall timber, but a good covering for hide and seek or adventurous lovers. The area was empty. John worked his way back to the foliage and ventured in. In a short while the forest and mists seemed to close in behind him, hiding the playground from view. He could easily see how someone could secrete themselves from prying eyes.    The activity that he’d observed earlier was nowhere to be seen. Amazing! Wee hours of the morning, Saturday night, the locals were too holy for their own good.  The stillness bo

FIRST the Kingdom of God

Matthew 6:33 But seek FIRST the Kingdom of God and His RIGHTEOUSNESS,  and ALL these things WILL be added to you. How many times have you actually just given up on an idea that you were working on…trying your best to “figure-out” a way to make it work?  In your mind it seemed like an easy thing to resolve as your began to try and fit all the pieces of the puzzle together.  But…as hard as you tried…there always seemed to be that ONE piece to that 1,000 piece-puzzle…MISSING. If you think about it…haven’t we always come up a bit short in Life when we tried to tackle our PROBLEMS, BATTLES, WORRIES, HEARTACHES, DOUBTS, CONFIDENCE in ourselves…ALONE?  We were always reaching for that ring at the Merry-Go-Round…but it was always just out of our reach.  And then something miraculous manifested before us as we stepped away from our prideful attitude…and brought our Mighty God into our thoughts.  We asked our Heavenly Father to make the IMPOSSIBLE…POSSIBLE. We couldn’t imagine HOW He was going t
John 7:24 “Do not JUDGE by appearances, but JUDGE with right (Godly) JUDGEMENT.” For many BELIEVERS in the Mighty God of Heaven…and loyal FOLLOWERS of the King of Glory, Jesus…they have the belief that it is absolutely wrong to JUDGE anyone. Luke 6:37 “JUDGE not, and you will NOT be JUDGED; CONDEMN not, and you will NOT be CONDEMNED; FORGIVE, and you will be FORGIVEN…” What this is referencing…is to NEVER falsely JUDGE someone of something that YOU yourself are guilty of.  Such things as GOSSIPING, BRAGGING about what YOU may have accomplished, being Self-RIGHTEOUS, making false accusations about someone…and the LIST marches on. Continuing Luke 6 “Why do you see the SPECK that is in your Brother's eye, but do NOT notice the LOG that is in your own eye?” I just LOVE this analogy…and yes…I’ve been there…done that!!!  And strive daily to NEVER do such a thing again.  Those logs in our eyes are such a nuisance. Have a BLESSED Friday Y’all!!! If you ain’t got something GOOD to say about

Whose Image is This?

Mark 12:16 They brought the coin, and He (Jesus) asked them (the Pharisees), “Whose image is this? And whose inscription?” “Caesar’s,” they replied. The plot to “TRICK” Jesus by the High Priest of Jerusalem and the Pharisees FAILED miserably because Jesus knew EXACTLY what they were up to…even before they asked their question about…if it were indeed proper to pay taxes to Rome. What a lot of Christians have never heard before about what Jesus was REALLY revealing to these devious Pharisees…was when Jesus asked for a coin…the Pharisees presented Him with a Roman coin with the “Graven Image” of Caesar stamped upon it.  They knew full-well that Jesus just showed everyone gathered around them the hypocrisy of these Religious men having a coin that was carried in and out of the Temple…which was absolutely FORBIDDEN by God. Deuteronomy 4:16 BEWARE lest you act corruptly by making a Carved Image for yourselves, in the form of ANY figure, the likeness of male or female. It startled the Religio

The Light Shines in the Darkness

  1 John 1:7 But if WE (as BELIEVERS in the Mighty God of Heaven…and FOLLOWERS of the King of Glory, Jesus) walk in the LIGHT, as He is in the LIGHT, we have FELLOWSHIP with one another, and the (precious) Blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from ALL sin. In 2016…scientists from the University of Northwest discovered an incredible thing. This is an excerpt from an article published from (look it up) “ For the first time ever, scientists have captured images of the flash of light that sparks at the very moment a human sperm cell makes contact with an egg. ” The picture below right is the actual evidence that LIGHT occurs at the moment of conception. How AWESOME is our God to VALIDATE to those who REFUSE to BELIEVE that Life begins at CONCEPTION and continue to refute that something WONDROUS and MIRACULOUS has manifested before the eyes of unbiased Scientists. Who was it who said that, “Facts are a stubborn thing?” Does it surprise you that the media didn’t make this a fr

You Are From God

1 John 4:4 Little Children, you are from God and have OVERCOME them, for He (the Holy Spirit) Who is in you is GREATER than he (the Devil) who is in the World. There is one thing that is for certain…the Mighty God of Heaven will NEVER leave one of His CHILDREN (that’s YOU) alone and defenseless…when it comes to being attack by the Devil and his devious agents of darkness.  We have been given an incredible GIFT of POWER, TRUTH, PROTECTION…and AUTHORITY over anything that slithers out of the shadows…the very moment WE accept Jesus (Yahshua) as our Lord and Savior of OUR Life.  The Holy Spiritual IMMEDIATELY takes up residence within each of us…poised and ready for YOU to call upon the Mighty God of Heaven…in the Glorious Name of Jesus…and released “SHOCK and AWE” upon the diabolical plot from the Spiritual World of Darkness that has come against you…and OBLITERATE the attack with devastating POWER and AWE. We must remember…the Devil will come to the fight with a stick…we’ve come to the b

The mistress of Vlad Dracula

It is said that Vlad the Third, also known as Dracula or Vlad the Impaler, lived a long yet fierce love story with Katharina Siegel. The young daughter of a weaver, Katharina was of Transylvanian Saxon origin born in Brasov. Vlad the Third was the Governor of Brasov region between 1451 and 1456, living a deep love with this Saxon girl . According to popular belief, their relationship lasted for more than 20 years, during which they had 5 children, although they were never married. They met on a cold December morning, when young Katharina was struggling to pull a heavy sledge of food for the soldiers of the Weavers Bastion in Brasov. Vlad offered his help and fell in love with her instantly. Everyone was surprised of his reactions and attitude towards her, because no one had ever seen him so jealous before. He wanted her to have the best, so he would bring her the best silk and lace dresses from Venice and the Flanders region of Belgium. Vlad was already married when they met, and after

1John 3:10

 1 John 3:10 By this (someone’s Lifestyle) it is EVIDENT who are the Children of God, and who are the Children of the Devil: WHOEVER does NOT practice (to live a Life of) RIGHTEOUSNESS is NOT of God, nor is the one who does NOT love their Brother (or, Sister). How would you want someone to PERCEIVE you when they come to know you?  Will they understand without a doubt that you represent 100% of God’s Kingdom of Heaven?  Will they not refute that you are indeed a loyal FOLLOWER of the Victorious King of Glory, Jesus?  Are you a reflection of the things that Jesus instructed us to adhere to…such as LOVE even your enemies that come against you?  Will they see you as a GIVER of your time and money to those in need?  Will they witness your eagerness to PRAY for others and BELIEVE in FAITH for Miracles to manifest as a Supernatural BLESSING for someone in need?  Will your conversations eventually be solely about the Awesomeness of a LOVING Heavenly Father…Who sent His ONLY begotten Son to bru

Be Ready

  Matthew 24:42 Therefore, stay AWAKE (Spiritually), for you do NOT know on what DAY your Lord is COMING. Time to WAKE-UP…all of you who BELIEVE in the Mighty God of Heaven…and are steadfast FOLLOWERS of the King of Glory, Jesus!!!  Bible Prophecy is unfolding right before your eyes.   Want a few clues that just might SLAP you AWAKE?  How bout when Apostle John had that Revelation about the two HUNDRED million PERSON (trying to be politically correct here) army that would invade and KILL a third of mankind? Revelation 9:16-18 The number of the mounted troops was twice ten thousand times ten thousand.  I heard their number. How could there be a 200 million numbered Army?  How bout if Russia joined China and combined their armies?  Wait a minute…they just recently made an agreement to do just that.  Well, it was written in the Scriptures that the Mighty Euphrates River would have to dry up first to allow these forces to easily cross over…oops…that just HAPPENED as well!!! Revelation 16:1

Shills shilling in their natural swampland:

 by Sandy McReynolds Since that announcement, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has repeatedly backed Ladapo’s recommendation. The numbers from that state-controlled Florida “study” have become standard fare for anti-vaccine claims from Fox News to Robert Kennedy Jr. Kennedy even had Ladapo on his anti-vax podcast to promote a book Ladapo authored in which he scoffed at the “panic and fear” of other public health officials when it comes to COVID-19. However, right from the start, Ladapo’s colleagues were highly skeptical of both his findings and his recommendation. Now The Tampa Bay Times demonstrates that there were very good reasons for that skepticism. Because to get the numbers he wanted, Ladapo altered the results of the study, leaving out what it really discovered: “The risk associated with COVID-19 infection clearly outweighs any potential risks associated with mRNA vaccination.”  This is the conclusion of the study as published by Ladapo. Conclusion: In this statewide study of vaccinat

The Pink Dragon

  Childhood diabetes is a pink dragon.  Diabetes in and of itself is bad enough, but when a child begins life with no candy and cake it rears its ugly head on several fronts. As I sit here waiting the results of my granddaughter’s second hospital visit in two weeks I reflect. First, and foremost Puck has shared her entire life with me. In 2007 her mother handed her to me in Georgetown on the day of her birth, and said, “Here, hold this,” and a darling little girl came into my life. Her first word was, “chicken.” She’d be playing on the porch in Berry Creek. I’d ask if she wanted me to run to KFC and she’d say, “Chiiiiiicken!” Sometime around two years old we found that she was a type one diabetic. Little Puck had to eat veggies while everyone else ate cake. Pricks and shots became part of her life and by four she could take, and read her blood. An eighty reading meant it was a good day, a six hundred meant the ER, and perhaps coma. Puck had self control, but hunger was a big hazard. A

The REAL Stairway To Heaven

  Romans 10:9 Because, if you CONFESS with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and BELIEVE in your Heart that God RAISED Him from the dead, you WILL be SAVED. There are actually MILLIONS of lost Souls throughout this dark World who are desperately SEARCHING for a way to Paradise…but will NEVER have the opportunity to step through the Gates of Heaven…because they’ve ALWAYS found themselves led down a pathway of destruction by diabolical foes…who are driven by sinister spirits of darkness…committed to lead as many individuals AWAY from God…and lure them down a dead-end road…resulting in a Godless Lifestyle…with no HOPE of Salvation as they cling to the lusts of this World…worshipping false idols and material things…rather than the One True God of Heaven…and accepting Jesus as their Lord and Savior. There is only ONE way to get to Heaven. John 14:6 Jesus said to him, “I AM the WAY, and the TRUTH, and the LIFE.  No one comes to the Father except through Me. Have a BLESSED Friday Y’all!!! VQ

Walk in the light

1 John 1:7 But if we walk in the LIGHT, as He is in the LIGHT, we have FELLOWSHIP with one another, and the BLOOD of Jesus His Son CLEANSES us from ALL sin. As BELIEVERS in the Mighty God of Heaven…and committed FOLLOWERS of our Lord and Savior, Jesus…we have a duty as representatives for our Heavenly Father’s Kingdom…to venture out within this very dark World and reach out to those who’ve been lost within the darkness of iniquity…and SHARE the Marvelous LIGHT of our Savior’s GIFT of Salvation…for ANYONE who chooses to BELIEVE and FOLLOW Him down a pathway of LIGHT and GRACE. We are at the twelfth hour of Prophecy where the ancient Prophets of God foretold of a soon coming END to this age.  Hundreds of Prophecies have all come to fruition throughout our historic journey through time as we now recognize the “Writing on the Wall.” Matthew 24:6-8 And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars.  See that you are NOT alarmed, for this must take place, but the end is not yet. For Nation will r


Joshua 1:9 “Have I not COMMANDED you? Be strong and courageous.  Do NOT be frightened, and do NOT be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you WHEREVER you go.” Have you ever been at a point where NOTHING seemed to work out in your Life?  You found yourself struggling with the pressures of keeping food on the table, car payments met, rent paid on time, electricity and water taken care of before the city turned it off, keeping the boss happy at work with your 6 day a week job (and always a non-payment for overtime)…and let’s not forget…keeping your significant OTHER interested in having that “Date Night” whenever the neighborhood Babysitter was available and willing to HERD those wildcats…we lovingly call our children.  Well…I’ve certainly been there…done that…and have the T-Shirt to prove it. Just when you thought that you couldn’t take another step with all that weight being carried upon…you make your decision to “Let Go…and Let God!!!”  Then something MIRACULOUS begins to manifest

Gun Control is a Four Letter Word

You cannot deny that America has a gun issue. It is so bad that when an active shooter does his thing the average American checks the body count before reading the article.  The active shooter contingent of the population has evolved. Back in the day some guy would climb up on the Texas Tower with his tongue hanging out of his mouth and shoot everyone in sight. Audrey Hale arrived at school with a map, schedules, auxiliary weapons, and decided targets. And, you ask, why shoot the children? In the words of the helicopter gunner in the film  Full Metal Jacket  she didn’t have to give ‘em so much lead! Boy! That hurt, didn’t it. I mean, not as bad as sitting on a bicycle without a seat, but right on up there. But, hang on, it gets worse. I’m sorry to be the first to tell you people, but there just ain’t no nice way to kill people. First we’re gonna need to set some parameters.  Money Buys Everything! Let’s take the first one. Money buys everything. In spite of your Biblical objections mon

The End DOES Justify God’s Means

1 Corinthians 10:31 So, whether you EAT or DRINK, or WHATEVER you do, do ALL to the Glory of God. For most BELIEVERS in the Mighty God of Heaven…whenever a BLESSING falls unto the threshold of our homes…we find it very easy to give a QUICK “Shout-Out” to our Heavenly Father saying simply, “Thanks God…”…and then immediately find ourselves focused on our daily routines of shuffling through our day…trying our best to make the “Ends…Meet”. What we’ve focus on in Life…are the many challenges we face as we battle the invisible foes that are constantly slithering out from the darkness.  A relentless campaign that has been drafted from diabolical spirits who have a lust to KILL, STEAL…and DESTROY those who’ve chosen to FOLLOW the King of Glory, Jesus…and call the God of Heaven…the One TRUE God of ALL!!! We MUST give Glory through our most difficult days as well…because within a moment…God will overwhelm you with BLESSINGS and FAVOR and say, “I’ve GOT you.”  What the Devil intended for bad…God

For My Democrat Donkeys Out There

So if you had the opportunity of a Life-Time to have only ONE wish come true…what would it be? For some of my Republican friends (and some of them are jumping ship like it’s about to be boarded by the Pirates of the Swamp)…they want 4 more years of riding the T-Train BACK to secure borders (for crying out loud), energy independence, a strong military…yeah, yeah, yeah…and Apple Pie and Chevrolet. Oh, and if CNN would at least say just ONE single GOOD thing about their Candidate, his family, their friends…and those red-blooded Patriots that voted for him…and let’s not forget about God…well, that would be a plus. Now, for my Democrat Donkeys out there…this is an easy one…EVERYTHING opposite of what a Republican Elephant would BELIEVE. Am I wrong? Wait a minute here…I almost forgot…as their Donkey-Hold GRIPS their Cities…and Crime is surging in the streets…because the criminals are pampered…while victims are victimized…every single one of those “NAY” Sayers (see what I did there) are SCREA