
Showing posts from August, 2024

The Light of the World

  Picture Jason put up on Facebook  When you were growing up, I noticed you. Without enumerating all your attributes, I will say that I can find no appreciable difference from that kid I saw back then and the man I see today. You epitomize Christ. You have pointed out the flaws in social media in a very direct way. A picture of a bald eagle bowing its head in prayer for America doesn’t hurt anyone! And your decision not to back down is absolutely correct! Facebook warning about his content   Most Americans are good, hardworking family people who only want to live, and let live. Texas is front and center in this belief. That’s why it is the fastest growing state in the Union. But everyone does not feel that way. Live and let live, don’t impose.   God made man. He made Cadillacs, but there are a few Studebakers out there. And they come in rainbow colors. Doctors and research scientists constantly find some “new” and fascinating design in creation that they herald as a “new” finding.

Listen To the Band

    “Hey hey Mercy Woman Plays the drum but no one listens LISTEN TO THE BAND!”   Your information, all that you think you know, is formatted by entities that designed algorithms to influence your opinions, designed to lead you to accept a one-world solution that minds smaller than yours have imagined. Reason and common sense are not part of this formula. The public, that would be you and me, are expected to sit by our master’s door and hope for that scrap that will fall from their entitled mouths while they pull the strings to see us dance like the jesters that we are. And the dogs of the street will eat our children.   I’ve told you many times to stop believing your lying eyes and listen to your common sense. But, like good little groupies that you are, you feverishly buy into every conspiracy QAnon has on the market and sit and stare at Teller’s quarters falling into that tin cup with snake amazement. Verily I say unto you, there are no quarters. If there were, your owners w

There Are Monsters Among Us

There are monsters among us. Evil is evil. Even if it’s accepted as normal in the location where it’s found.   4  But before they lay down, the men of the city, even the men of Sodom, compassed the house round, both old and young, all the people from every quarter: 5  And they called unto Lot, and said unto him, Where are the men which came in to thee this night? bring them out unto us, that we may know them. In Sodom the action of assault was condoned and considered normal by community standards. Community standards. The social pass for any action taken. All in the name of freedom. Freedom of speech, freedom to travel, freedom! What happens behind closed doors.   There is a person. I don’t know if “it” is male, female, or one of the flavors in between, but let’s just say it has two arms, two legs and a mouth. The mouth being the only hole I can reference without invoking Federal law. Anyway a human creature.   Now this . . . thing was born with the semblance of a male sex organ. At so

The Yellow Submarine

  This is going to be the most politically incorrect article you’ve ever read so if your’re woke, stoked, or broke it might be best to just go to your safe place right now and live in your Yellow Submarine!  Normally I can write right off the top of my head. Political reality is no problem for me. Let me add that politics have not changed since Grog knocked Uhg in the head and dragged his wife away by her hair! Them that’s gots gets, and everybody wants to get next to a happening guy!     Now, here comes the politically incorrect part. In a world filled with forbidden words and pronouns, temporary theories will surface for a while, but the rules cited above will always be consistent. And will return with a vengeance.  Minorities will use loopholes in the law to dominate the majority. All men are created equal ignores the social truth that some men are more equal than others. That’s why Putin hangs out at the Kremlin while the general population lives in the projects. That’s why you ar