
Showing posts from June, 2024

Where have All The Flowers Gone?

    Where have all the flowers gone? And common sense, decency, or education? Do you remember the last scene from the movie “Raiders of the Lost Arc?” The one where the warehouse worker on a forklift stuffed a crate containing the arc into storage in a huge warehouse. Right next to that crate was another one with your children, and one with the lessons from history, and one with the flowers. That’s where you’ll find your flowers.   Norman Rockwell’s timeless paintings showing Thanksgiving, little boys eying diplomas on the wall before receiving a shot or a little girl with a black eye waiting to see the principal after winning a fight are yellow with age. The children in those pictures died a long time ago and were replaced by kids sitting on a Drag Queen’s lap in a public library. And therein you see the problem. A PUBLIC library, funded by the state and blessed by Marduk!   And each time voices were raised shouting, “Foul!” a new law was passed to silence those voices until they were

Skinned Alive with Seashells

 from Justin Vanparys Hypatia the Greek Philosopher Skinned Alive with Seashells Knowledge can be a wonderful thing, but in the case of the ancient philosopher and mathematician Hypatia of Alexandria, it also lead to her doom. Hypatia was one of the most important intellectuals of Byzantine Empire in the 4th Century, and she was also a woman. Her story is both inspiring and terrifying . Hypatia was born around 355, when the Roman empire had just split, leaving Alexandria in a disconnected state of religious and social unrest. Members of all religions - Christians, Jews, and pagans - were now living together in perpetual strife. Over the next few decades, their constant clashes would wipe out even more of the library's contents as they struggled to define their new boundaries. The Egyptian city of Alexandria was founded by Alexander the Great in 331 BC - about 600 years before Hypatia was born. Alexandria became a culturally sophisticated region of the world in a rather short amount

Commit your work to the Lord

  Proverbs 16:3 Commit your work to the Lord, and your PLANS (that God created for you) will be established. Do you feel as though your life is at a standstill?  Does it appear as though you are not  quite reaching that finish line to your Victory?  I’m here to ENCOURAGE you today!!! You’ve already COMMITTED your hard work to the Lord when you started your idea, dream…or…something that you had a desire to accomplish…right?  Don’t you think that if our Mighty God started this with you…won’t He FINISH it with you as well? Have a BLESSED Sunday Y’all!!!  Just a few more steps and you’ll cross over the finish line to your Victory!!! VQ
  from Carolyn Winn Robinson Did you know..... The Wizard of Oz…This is very interesting…🤔 The Straw Man represents that fictional ALL CAPS legal fiction —The PERSON. He wanted a brain but got a Certificate — The Birth Certificate. The Tin Man — The TIN (Taxpayer Identification Number). He was a robotic avatar, who worked tirelessly until his body literally froze up & stopped functioning. The heartless & emotionless robot creature who worked himself to death because he had no heart or soul. The Cowardly Lion was a bully, but was actually a true coward when someone stood up to him, like most bullies. He lacked true courage and in the end, the Wizard gave him an Official Recognition Award — Authority & Status. The Wizard of Oz used magic, smoke, flames & holograms, but all of it were tricks & illusions to push fear & compliance to make people do what he commanded. The truth is the Wizard has NO real power & only used illusions to create false power & auth

And it Will Be Given Him

  James 1:5 If ANY of you lacks WISDOM, let them ask God, who gives GENEROUSLY to ALL without reproach, and it WILL be given (to) them. The moment ANYONE realizes that there is NOTHING that they can do to accomplish something…that requires understanding and comprehension of a plan, design…or, developing an idea to fruition…without involving our Mighty God’s total involvement in implementing EVERY step of that plan into action…then that person has just received that first measure of God’s WISDOM. Have a BLESSED Saturday Y’all!!! VQ

They Ain’t Making Jews Like Kinky Anymore

    We reserve the right to refuse services to you Your friends are all on welfare  And you call yourself a Jew     We all wonder what we’ll leave when we leave. Will we be missed? Will people wipe a tear when our name is mentioned? Will anybody show up at the funeral? Will there be a funeral?  How much did you put in the plate the last time you found your way to service. And when was that by the way? Greatest is whatever you burn in your crazy mind. All dictators think they’re great. Their opposition in the Stink Tank has a slightly different opinion. As boxers enter the

Little Adelaide

  Adelaide Springett, born in February 1893 in Victorian Wapping, hailed from a family of street vendors. Tragically, her twin sisters, Ellen and Margaret, passed away shortly after birth and another sister, Susannah, succumbed at the tender age of four. By 1901, at just eight years old, Adelaide's residence was documented as a Salvation Army shelter, where she resided with her mother. An intriguing photograph from that time captures Adelaide at the shelter, where she, feeling ashamed of her worn-out boots, decided to pose barefoot (see her boots in the comments). The image, captured by Horace Warner, is titled "Adelaide Springett In All Her Best Clothes." She would emerge as the quintessential 'cover girl,' of the period symbolising the struggles of the impoverished in Victorian Britain. The hardships persisted as Adelaide's mother succumbed to alcoholism in 1908, leaving Adelaide and her older brother, who later enlisted in the army, to fend for themselves.

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

      About the only thing soon to be ex-president Joe didn’t do wrong last night was go looking through the nuclear briefcase for his underarm deodorant. And that might’ve been better than a quick shot of VP Kamala holding it just off stage. To their credit the Dummycrats didn’t have O’Bama (no that’s not a misprint) lead “Mr President” off the stage after Trump had his way with him! Trump could have played a ukulele, singing “Tip Toe Through the Tulips” and won that debate! Maybe next time have a little girl come out with flowers for both candidates and see who tries to follow her off stage.   And what did the MSM do? While the commentators were good we were entertained this morning with more adjectives than a lawyer in a divorce case. What did you expect. During the “trial of the century” the prosecutor’s star witness was a whore with over two hundred men under her belt (excuse the pun.)   A Witt and Wittier Poll has revealed that as of last night the only segment of the population

What is Rot and What is Not

  Proverbs 28 The wicked run away when no one is chasing them, but the godly are as bold as lions. When there is moral rot within a nation, its government topples easily. But wise and knowledgeable leaders bring stability. A poor person who oppresses the poor is like a pounding rain that destroys the crops. To reject the law is to praise the wicked; to obey the law is to fight them. Evil people don't understand justice, but those who follow the Lord understand completely. Better to be poor and honest than to be dishonest and rich. Young people who obey the law are wise; those with wild friends bring shame to their parents. Income from charging high interest rates will end up in the pocket of someone who is kind to the poor. God detests the prayers of a person who ignores the law. Those who lead good people along an evil path will fall into their own trap, but the honest will inherit good things. Rich people may think they are wise, but a poor person with discernment can see right t

Why Kinky wasn’t on the Debates Last Night

  Click Image For News Story

Mother and Child Never Changes

  From M.A. Rothman 4,800-year-old skeleton of a mother holding her six-month old child. She is believed to be an ancestor of the Austronesian peoples that spread across the Pacific. Taichung, Taiwan, Dapenkeng culture, 2800 BC While excavating a prehistoric Taiwanese aboriginal mass-burial site discovered in Taichung, Taiwan, archeologists discovered the remains of a young mother and her child. They were amongst the 48 sets of neatly laid out skeletal remains that were recovered way back in 2014, according to Reuters. These archeological findings turned out to be the earliest signs of human activity found in central Taiwan. But what caught the attention of the archeologists was the remains of the mother and child. “When it was unearthed, all of the archeologists and staff members were shocked,” Dr. Chu Whei-lee, curator and director of the Anthropology Department at Taiwan’s National Museum of Natural Science, told Reuters. “Why? Because the mother was looking down at the baby in her

Jesus is a Mighty force of GOOD

  Hebrews 1:3 He (the Lord of Lords, the King of all Kings…and the Savior of the World) is the RADIANCE of the Glory of God and the EXACT imprint of His (divine) nature, and He upholds the universe by the Word of His POWER.  After making purification for sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on HIGH. When the World has but a glimpse of Who Jesus is…they can only interpret the true NATURE of Who Jesus really is.  They look at the timid pictures hung among the art of museums and Churches that depict a timid, unauthentic man’s man…a person who appears weak and passive to confront a threat.  This was a feeble attempt by the Devil, himself to portray the exact OPPOSITE of who Jesus really is. Jesus called the Religious Leaders…hypocrites to their faces.  He turned over tables outside of the Temple…then chased the “Money Changers” out with a whip.  He confronted many who were infected with demons and dominated them with His POWER…simply saying, “Come out!!!” Yes!!! My Jesus is a

Dead Squirrel Lessons

I'm leaving The Liberty Beacon. I particularly wanted to tell you because I need your input. I have developed a theory that the decline and impending fall of America is directly connected to a moral decay. And I have touched on this in my articles. Yesterday I sent Monday's piece to the Beacon. I got a call and I was made aware that The Beacon needs political material with less religious slant. I said that I'd just cut those areas and leave the political commentary. Well, I tried. I "sanitized" the article. And there was nothing left. Just a bla bla article any Jughead would be proud of but had no information or answers for anyone. So I deleted it.  Simultaneously to this my Partner Vic Quinton published his daily: Click Image for Vic’s Article  Vic does this to me a lot. He will come up with something that exactly matches mine as if we wrote together. We do, but there is a third party. Jesus. Accordingly, we formed Witt & Wittier Films. Incorporated with the