
Showing posts from June, 2023

Not Right Take Flight

  Romans 12:2 Do not be CONFORMED (comfortable) to this World, but be TRANSFORMED by the RENEWAL of your mind (through the Holy Spirit), that by TESTING you may discern what is the Will of God, what is GOOD and ACCEPTABLE and PERFECT. If WE are going to be honest with ourselves…how many times have you actually started to try something you felt was actually an acceptable thing to do?  But yet…the more you “thought” about it…you began to “feel” that it wasn’t really something that God would FULLY approve of.  I’ll have to raise my hand up in the crowd on this one. So many times we try and justify eating that 6th piece of pizza, listening to gossip about someone and NOT walk away from the conversation, praying for stuff that doesn’t really add value to one’s life, ignoring someone that’s in need…and the endless LIST marches on.  Why do we find ourselves stuck in this “revolving door” of selfishness at times?  You guessed it…we are more focused on the things of this dark World…rather than

Food Food Everywhere and Not a Bite to Eat

  How many times have you said, “there’s nothing in the house to eat”? Today was that day for me, but the options were 1. Fast food (yuck) 2. Grocery store (yuck). from Crystal Lee So, I rooted around in the fridge for some ingredients and came up with a new recipe!  I sautéed mushrooms, sun dried tomatoes (from Italy), and cherry tomatoes; added some rotisserie chicken from Tuesday, then turned off the heat and added some Parmesan cheese. When the cheese melted I plated with an avocado and voila! Lunch is served!  #keto #fastingforhealth  *I am going on 3 years of clean fasting and one meal a day (I ignore on holidays and days when my body says FOOD! NOW! Like today!).  To add insult to injury, I am on day 4 of NO starches and ima ready to eat some Fritoes, rice, and pasta-all together or separately. Makes me no never mind!

Ask and You Shall Receive

      James 1:5 If any of you LACKS wisdom, let him (or, her) ask God, who gives GENEROUSLY to ALL without reproach, and it WILL be given to them. Have you ever found yourself STUMPED…or…even lacked motivation to finish a project, an idea, resolve a relationship gone bad, fulfill a promise…and a whole lot of other things that were started with a great deal of enthusiasm…only to come to a screeching halt?  Usually, this always happens when our “Mortal” way of thinking finds it IMPOSSIBLE to resolve the issue you’re ultimately facing.  What’s our primal instinct?  Simply give up and try something less complicated to do.  Such as starting a new relationship…how’d that work out for you?  Great start…similar ending. What is the SOLUTION?  A BELIEVER must delve into the Supernatural…and SEEK God.  Then something MIRACULOUS happens…problems are SOLVED, relationships are mended, ideas begin to blossom…and VICTORIES are manifested before you.  Proverbs 3:5  TRUST in the LORD with ALL your heart

Nothing is Impossible

  1 Corinthians 15:58 Therefore, My beloved Brothers (and Sisters), be STEADFAST, IMMOVABLE, always ABOUNDING in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your LABOR (completing the plan God Created for you) is NOT in vain. If YOU are a steadfast FOLLOWER of our Most GLORIOUS King, Jesus…and an unmovable BELIEVER in the most Awesome God of Heaven…then I want to ENCOURAGE you today to find PAUSE…and THANK our Heavenly Father in advance for the incredible VICTORY that is about to manifest into your Life. Our God is a God of fulfilling valid PROMISES, a God of delivering BLESSINGS and FAVOR, a VOICE of POWER, TRUTH, HOPE, LOVE, JUSTICE…and LIFE.  Our God is a jealous God who spares no enemy that dares to tread upon the threshold of our heart.  To those of this dark World…who listen to the whispers of their powerless gods…miracles are impossible.  But for each of US who’ve CHOSEN Jesus as our Lord and Savior of our LIFE…nothing is IMPOSSIBLE!!! Have a BLESSED Wednesday Y’all!!! Let Go

Horses and Water

  1 Peter 3:15 But in your hearts HONOR Christ the Lord as Holy, ALWAYS being prepared to make a defense to ANYONE who asks you for a reason for the HOPE that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect… We’ve all heard the saying…”You can lead a horse to water…but you can NOT make him drink.”  This May indeed be true…however…you’ve at least shown the horse where the water is…and eventually…he’ll become thirsty enough to make his way back to that water…and satisfy his thirst. This is exactly how we must conduct ourselves whenever we are fortunate enough to SHARE the “Good News” of why Jesus sacrificed himself on that Cross.  We must NEVER push or pressure someone to make the commitment to ask Jesus into one’s Life…and accept Him to be their Lord and Savior.  We can certainly LEAD them to the Cross…but we can NOT force them to drink of the “Living Water”.  But just like that thirsty horse…eventually…someone who has been shown where that Crystal Stream flowing out of Heaven is…will

What Would Jesus Do?

  Colossians 3:17 And WHATEVER you do, in WORD or DEED, do EVERYTHING in the (Mighty) Name of the Lord, Jesus…giving THANKS to God the Father through Him. When you were growing up (me in the fifties…YIKES) if your Mother told you NOT to touch those cookies she lovingly place in the infamous “Cookie Jar” setting on that kitchen counter…would you EVER attempt to carefully (and quietly) sneak one out of that jar…with your Mom standing behind you holding that wooden spoon?  What kid would…right? And what if you were a teenager sitting in your car next to a Police Officer at a Red Light…would you put the pedal to the metal and do a burn out the moment the light turned Green?  Let’s just say if you were driving in the 60’s…or…70’s…it would not end well for you. So…now you’re all grown-up.  You’re out of town on vacation with your Soul-Mate and children.  There’s a table next to you that has a a group of guys inviting you to the pool to hang out with them for the day…to consume umbrella drink

There I Am

Matthew 18:20 “For where TWO or THREE gather in My Name, there AM I with them.” As BELIEVERS in the Mighty God of Heaven…and as confessed FOLLOWERS of the King of Glory, Jesus…do you realize that Jesus is excited to be asked to join-in on EVERY conversation that we have with each other?  Even our casual meetings we may have with a friend at a coffee shop, golf course, sporting event, phone conversation…and even a round-table discussion at a board meeting…Jesus has promised us that…if you simply ask Him to join the conversation…He will supernaturally appear within that group of BELIEVERS…and lend direction and inspiration to the conversation. Have you ever felt a loss for words when engaging in small talk with a stranger who shared with you that they are also a BELIEVER?  Well…make a bold step…and step out of your “Comfort Zone”…ask Jesus to join in the conversation.  You’ll be surprised at how that little gathering will explode with fruitful and inspiring words of FAITH, HOPE…and LOVE.

That Dumb Ole Biker Rides Again!

  From the Mind of a Dumb ole Biker from Somewhere in the Backwoods of Southeast, Texas. This will probably upset of few of you, but it is reality. Men taking over the women's world. How did we get here?  I said 30 years ago, this would happen.  Women wanted to be equal in everything. They even had a saying, I can do anything a man can do, even better.  It's sad, but what did everyone think would happen? Some 30 odd years ago women entered the men's working environment, and instead of going to work, they immediately started emasculating men.   H.R. departments were set up to ensure men towed the line. Men could no longer be men in the workplace. Posters had to come down, language had to be modified, their very actions as men, had to be modified. Use the wrong language, men were fired, use the wrong gestures, men got fired. Compliment a woman, and men got fired.  They turned the natural order of things upside down.   It's sad, but that is the reality of things. You wante

He Has a Plan for your Life

  Romans 8:28 And we (as BELIEVERS in the Mighty God of Heaven) know that for those who LOVE God ALL things work together for GOOD, for those who are called according to His PURPOSE (and perfect plan He has for YOUR Life). Have you found yourself standing at a “Crossroads” in Life?  You ponder your decision…”Do I take the Highway on the left and travel down a wide-road to the City?” This crooked road will always lead you to the middle of your dimly lit wants…and earthly desires?”  Or…”Do I venture down the narrow RIGHT pathway paved in God’s mysterious adventure..filled with His Marvelous LIGHT of HOPE, TRUTH, WISDOM, POWER, PROSPERITY…and LOVE forevermore?” Sometimes that pathway is so narrow…you have to get out and walk it.  And the further you step…you realize that you’ve never been alone.  Jesus is walking with you…All the way to your Victory.   Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart, and do NOT lean on your OWN understanding. Just keep walking.  Sort of worked out for

But Not Today

  Matthew 11:28-30 Come to Me (the King of Kings, Lord of ALL Lords…and the Savior of this World, Jesus), ALL who LABOR and are heavy LADEN, and I WILL give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and LEARN from Me, for I am GENTLE and LOWLY in Heart, and you WILL find REST for your Souls.  For My YOKE is EASY, and My BURDEN is LIGHT.” It doesn’t matter if you are a Prayer Warrior, a Preacher, Evangelist, a Missionary, a Godly Marriage Counselor, a Doctor of FAITH, a Bible scholar, a Prophet of God, a King, a few Politicians, a substandard writer for God on Facebook…we’ve ALL found ourselves weighted down in physical and Spiritual matters that have caused us to become WORRIED, FEARFUL, HOPELESS, DOUBTFUL…and UNCERTAIN of our EFFECTIVENESS we have for the Kingdom of God. This is the point where a lot of the FAITHFUL have wanted to simply give-up.  They say to themselves, “Am I really doing anything worthwhile for promoting the “Good News” of my King of Glory, Jesus?” Jesus hears those remarks

The Fishes and Loaves are Still Being Distributed

  1 John 5:14 And this is the CONFIDENCE that we have toward Him (the Mighty God of Heaven), that if we ask (our Heavenly Father) anything according to His WILL He hears us. What would you do if one of your children…or…grandchildren asked you for something to eat because they were hungry?  What if these same children were playing outside in the HOT Texas summer and ran up to you and said they were thirsty…what would you do immediately?  In both situations…you would absolutely give them something to eat and drink.  Right?  Of course you would…because you have a LOVE greater then your own for those little bundles of joy. Our God has an even GREATER…and unconditional LOVE for every Soul that has ever lived on this planet than we could ever manage to conceive in comparison to our love for others (and yes that is EVERY Life).  Remember…He LOVED us so much that He allowed His precious Son, Jesus to be brutally tortured and killed on a Cross…as the last Sacrifice for ANYONE who would choose t

Proclaiming the Kingdom of God

  Acts 28:31 Proclaiming the Kingdom of God and TEACHING about the Lord Jesus Christ with all BOLDNESS and WITHOUT hindrance. As BELIEVERS in the Mighty God of Heaven…and steadfast FOLLOWERS of the King of Glory, Jesus…do you realize how much POWER you have dwelling within you?  Whenever you walk into a crowded place…you may feel as if no one within that place has noticed your presence.  That indeed may be true if you are referring to those gathered together and having their casual conversations with each other…and are TOTALLY focused on who can OUTDO each other by bragging about how brilliant they are at EVERYTHING they do.   Yeah…they’d probably never even notice you at all.  But there are eyes that immediately recognize…not who you are…rather…Who’s you are…the Most High God of Heaven.  The Marvelous LIGHT of the Holy Spirit engulfs the room the very moment you crossover the threshold…blinding the Spiritual eyes of the many demonic agents of darkness that are attached to those who ha

Build the Temple of God; Each Other!

  1 Thessalonians 5:11 Therefore ENCOURAGE one another and BUILD one another up, just as you are doing. Have you ever found yourself a bit down and discouraged about something you’ve dedicated yourself to?  It may have been from your consistency in maintaining your impeccable work ethic, your commitment in serving within the Church…or, any other community programs…you may even that individual each Christmas season who always rings that little bell for the Salvation Army…regardless of the constant flow of disgruntled Folks who ignore the real reason for this tireless effort…it’s the WILLINGNESS to ring that bell in spite of the rejection and sneers of most passersby…why’s that?  Because ALL the effort is not to promote one’s self…it’s to selflessly HELP others.   Do you want to see one of those Salvation Army volunteers “Light-Up” next Christmas on that street corner…or…entranceway to some department store?  It won’t be the money you drop into the bucket that will BRIGHTEN their day…it

Never Give Up on God

  1 Corinthians 15:58 Therefore, my BELOVED Brothers (and Sisters), be STEADFAST, IMMOVABLE, always ABOUNDING in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your LABOR is NOT in vain. I wanted to ENCOURAGE you this morning about what our Heavenly Father is preparing especially for YOU.  Every single person that has ever lived…and every single Soul that is ALIVE right at this very moment…have ALL been given a unique plan for their Life…drawn out in detail to perfection by the hand of our Most Mighty God Himself…even before our own birth. Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, PLANS for WELFARE and NOT for EVIL, to give you a FUTURE and a HOPE. So why have there been so many millions of people who have failed miserably in Life…turning their backs on the Creator of EVERYTHING?  Because they chose to follow the plans of the Devil’s campaign to exist within this dark World of lust, greed, godless lifestyles, corruption…and debauchery…rather than choosing t

Summer Reads

    I can’t believe that it is summer, already! I am told that some folks take vacation during the summer and have a bit more time to read. Here are some summertime reading suggestions to help grow your knowledge about and ability to argue for some of the issues we care about here at Texas Constitutional Enforcement: Resisting the Great Reset · The Great Reset and the Struggle for Liberty by Michael Rectenwald · The Great Reset by Glenn Beck · Woke Inc by Vivek Ramaswamy · If it Ain’t Woke Don’t Fix It by Ben Shapiro Books to be released soon which I have on pre-order: · Dark Future: Uncovering the Great Reset’s Terrifying Next Phase by Glenn Beck · You Will Own Nothing by Carol Roth Documentaries · Plandemic 3 The Great Awakening – found at · Agenda Twin Pack – found at Border Security · Overrun by Todd Bensman Medical Freedom · Rise of the Fourth Reich by Steve Deace & Daniel Horowitz · A Plague Upon Our House by Scott Atlas · The Courage to F

Fishes and Loaves

  Hebrews 11:6 And without FAITH it is IMPOSSIBLE to please Him, for WHOEVER would draw near to God must BELIEVE that He EXISTS and that He REWARDS those who SEEK Him. Do you realize that there are a great number of Folks out there (and yes this includes a large group of even Church goers) who place more emphasis on good ole St. Nicholas…AKA…Santa Clause during the most celebrated season of the year…Christmas…than on the “Reason for the Season”…the birth of Jesus?  You’ll find that Jolly Elf dressed in his red suit and wearing his iconic beard plastered all across the World on billboards, post cards, TV commercials, sidewalks ringing a bell…and even taught children that if they were good little boys and girls…Santa Clause would magically appear at night and leave them presents under the tree.   Who do you think these children had more FAITH in BELIEVING?  The Mighty God of Heaven?  Or…a rosy-cheeked individual capable of visiting EVERY home on the planet in just ONE night with his bag
 1 Timothy 5:8 But if anyone does not provide for their relatives, and especially for members of their household, they have DENIED the FAITH and is WORSE than an unbeliever. Yesterday we left at 5:00 AM for the hospital with a family member.  It was a tedious time of making our way through just about every floor of that hospital…looking for each different location scattered out throughout the corridors of that medical center…like a maze on some gaming app.  Each scheduled appointment had an approximate timeframe…and revealed to us that it would take up a full day of tests, lab work, counseling…and…even more tests.  And then there was one last visit…the Physician. I wanted to share with you how at the end of that long day of making each and every appointment…we were worn out, feeling a bit downtrodden, worried, concerned…and then something absolutely amazing happened when we walked into the Doctor’s office…he asked if he could pray for us.  It was a moment of confirmation for us…as God’

Count Your Blessings. They’re There!

  2 Corinthians 9:8 And God is (more than) ABLE to make ALL Grace ABOUND to you, so that having ALL sufficiency in ALL things at ALL times, you may abound in EVERY “Good Work” (that the Mighty God of Heaven gives you). Do you think it a mere coincidence that you’ve SUDDENLY received an unexpected BLESSING in your life?  You can’t explain how this was even possible…let alone probable…yet…right when you needed it most…a miracle healing takes place, you receive a well-deserved raise, a relationship is mended…if you think about it…these sort of BLESSINGS aren’t really a “COINCIDENCE”…rather…it’s a bonafide “GODSEQUENCE”…a random gift from our Heavenly Father…who’s timing is ALWAYS found to be incredibly perfect…as if He knew all along how desperate you had become.   News Flash!!!  He did know…and responded to your FAITHFULNESS, heartfelt PRAYERS…and your desire to PRAISE and WORSHIP Him as the One True God of EVERYTHING. Our God is in the BLESSING Business!!!  The vaults of Heaven are over

The Right Hand of God

 Isaiah 41:10 Fear not, for I (the Mighty God of Heaven) am with you; be NOT dismayed, for I AM your God; I WILL strengthen you, I WILL help you, I WILL uphold you with My RIGHTEOUS right hand. As BELIEVERS in the Most High God of Heaven…and steadfast FOLLOWERS of the King of Glory, Jesus…we have become priorities of the Devil to become DETOURED, DISTRACTED, DISCOURAGED…and even STOPPED…in reaching our GOALS and VICTORIES that have been set in place by our most POWERFUL and AWESOME God of EVERYTHING.   The enemy knows full-well the impact that WE can inflict to the realm of darkness as WE forge forward SHINING the Marvelous LIGHT of God’s TRUTH, POWER, HOPE, LOVE..,and LIFE Eternal…through the acceptance of our precious King, Jesus…as one’s Lord and Savior of their Life.  We MUST rest assured…that not only are we equipped with the Spiritual ARMOR of God to appropriately step into the raging battlefield of any evil conflict…we also have as our comrades in arms…thousands of God’s Warring

Nothing Stops the Train

  1 Corinthians 2:9 But, as it is written (in the Scriptures), “What no EYE has seen, nor EAR heard, nor the HEART of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who LOVE Him”… We are living in a time of Prophetic certainty…when…in any moment now…something so incredible…and AWE inspiring is going to manifest upon this World.  This will cause REVIVAL to flood across the four corners of this dark planet…exploding in God’s Marvelous LIGHT of TRUTH, POWER, HOPE, LOVE…and LIFE…as the message of the “Good News” of our Lord and Savior, Jesus…is shared to those who’ve been trapped within the grasp of the Devil’s campaign to steal, kill…and destroy one’s Soul. A fresh Anointing will flow into the hearts of EVERY living person…allowing many for the first time to experience the POWERFUL presence of the Lord, Jesus.  They will find the courage to follow their hearts and open up their minds to walk towards the LIGHT of God’s plan of Salvation…and to give EVERYONE the opportunity to CHANGE one’s L

Don’t Mix Up Your Hands

 Matthew 6:6 But when you PRAY (commune with God), go into your room and shut the door and PRAY to your (Heavenly) Father Who is in SECRET.  And your (Heavenly) Father Who SEES (you) in SECRET will REWARD you. Do you realize that our Mighty God of Heaven desires those heartfelt moments when a BELIEVER makes the decision to step away from the pressures of this World…and walk into the POWERFUL Spiritual Realm of His Kingdom?  The atmosphere actually changes within the room…as the TWO-WAY connection between this physical World instantly manifests into a Spiritual experience…as the Most High God of ALL Creation leans in and listens to EVERY sincere word that flows from your heart. There’s a distinct difference in how folks call out to God…and grab His undivided ATTENTION.  One might SHOUT in the midst of onlookers in jest, “Please God…let me win this jackpot”…as they pull the lever.  While others may find a “QUIET” place and WHISPER, “Heavenly Father…thank you for being with me…if it be yo

Let Them Eat Cake

  Psalm 118:24 This is the DAY that the Lord has MADE; let us REJOICE and be GLAD in it. I wanted to dedicate my post this morning to the most beautiful person who has ever BLESSED my Life…the LOVE of my Life…Kim Grantland Quinton.  Today is her Birthday!!!  In the infamous words of Eddie in National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation…”Clark, She’s the GIFT that keeps on giving the whole year.”  Okay, so I did revise the quote a bit pertaining to the “One year membership to the Jelly of the Month Club”…but hey…that’s what writers do…EDIT…then edit it some more.  But I must say, “Kim BLESSES my Life each and EVERY day.” Today my prayer for you…my Darling…comes from the very heart of our Heavenly Father and His Word. Numbers 6:24-26 The Lord BLESS you and KEEP you; the Lord make His FACE to SHINE upon you and be GRACIOUS to you; the Lord LIFT up His COUNTENANCE upon YOU and give YOU PEACE. To the Queen of my Kingdom…Kim…may you have the Happiest of ALL Birthdays. Have a BLESSED Friday Y’al

If God is for us . . .

  I recently made the decision to lay The Butcher Shop to rest. There were many factors to this. First and foremost, It didn’t  work! Never has. What started as a filing cabinet evolved into an endeavor to bring people of different ideologies together end up being a hodgepodge of disconnected garbage that nobody read. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again while expecting a different result. I am not insane. I’m a drunk!   By the grace of God and five other old white men I came into a partnership with Vic Quinton in Witt & Wittier Films. It worked! We just completed Kielia and have several projects ahead of us. As this grew my time got shorter and shorter until there was just not enough of me to go around. So I was faced with a choice. I could continue to whip a dead horse or let it whip me.    So, I made the choice to move into a different world. I will miss my Facebook friends. But time marches on. My wish is to provide good, quality Christian ente