And this Gospel of the Kingdom (of God) will be PROCLAIMED


Matthew 24:14

And this Gospel of the Kingdom (of God) will be PROCLAIMED throughout the whole World as a testimony to ALL Nations, and then the end will come.

So when was the last time that you mustard up a bit of courage and actually SHARED something…ANYTHING about Jesus?  Would it surprise you if I told you that there are THOUSANDS of Folks who have made their commitment to make it to their Churches…each and every Sunday.  There are those that are dedicated in praying to the Mighty God of Heaven for the things that maintain a Godly Lifestyle…after all He feeds the Sparrows…how much more will He provide for that Weekend BBQ…right?

What do these individuals remind me of…dime-store mannequins…always dressed to impress…but lifeless as a molded piece of plastic.  So…what can WE as BELIEVERS in the Mighty God of Heaven…and steadfast FOLLOWERS of the King of Kings…Lord of ALL Lords…and the Savior of this dark World, Jesus…what can WE do to SHARE the “Good News” of our King of Glory, Jesus?  How bout a simple “Honk If You Love Jesus” bumper sticker on your car…you’d be surprised how many “HONKS” this would bring…and how many opportunities to have a conversation with someone making an excited comment about your little sticker.  How bout the Cross you could wear to ANNOUNCE to strangers that YOU are a FOLLOWER of the One Who was on that Cross…but LIVES again in ALL His Glory.  That little Cross can spark a conversation with someone eager to HEAR more about our Lord and Savior, Jesus.

There are COUNTLESS ways that WE can PROMOTE the “Good News” of Jesus ALL across this World.  What could YOU do MORE to help introduce our Jesus to those desperate for a Lifeline?  Bout time we bring a little LIFE to ourselves…and quit hanging out with those plastic Mannequins.

Have a BLESSED Thursday Y’all!!!




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