Blue Bell Sunday


1 Thessalonians 4:17

Then we (BELIEVERS in the Mighty God of Heaven…and FOLLOWERS of Jesus) who are ALIVE, who are left, will be “CAUGHT-UP” (Raptured) together with them in the Clouds to meet the Lord in the AIR, and so we will ALWAYS be with the Lord.

Would you BELIEVE that there are literally THOUSANDS of Christians that actually don’t BELIEVE in the ”RAPTURE” of the Church?  Why is that?  Because they say, “Well…the word RAPTURE isn’t in the Bible.”

News Alert!!!  Neither is Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla Ice cream…nor, is there one single mention of Twinkies.  But yet they exist…in fact there’s probably a Twinkie still perfectly preserved in some Egyptian’s tomb…still fresh…and just as delectable as the moment it was packaged and box at Area 51’s Air Base in Lincoln County, Nevada.

Isn’t it quite ironic how the people of Noah’s day MOCKED, LAUGHED, CURSED…and RIDICULED Noah and his family as they built the Ark?  This ungodly civilization continued to PARTY, MARRY (to whom…and whatever they so desired), partook in festivals and open orgies…bottom line here…they didn’t BELIEVE that God would EVER flood the Earth and kill-off an entire World of corrupt people…well, until that first RAINDROP hit the mayor square on top of his forehead.  OOPS!!!

Matthew 24:37-39

As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.  For in the days BEFORE the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; and they knew NOTHING about what would happen until the FLOOD came and took them ALL away.  That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.

Hey I know it’s not in the Bible…but how bout we all get together and have a “BBQ” at our place.  I’ll have Chad smoke the brisket…and I’ll buy the Blue Bell.  There will be NO Twinkies served at the Quinton Castle…sorry.

Have a BLESSED Sunday Y’all!!!


Pray-Up!!!  Look-Up!!! Because we are ALL about to Go-Up!!!


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