Delight yourself in the Lord


Psalm 37:4-6

Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the DESIRES of your Heart. Commit your way to the Lord; TRUST in Him, and He WILL act.  He WILL bring forth your RIGHTEOUSNESS as the LIGHT, and your JUSTICE as the Noonday.

For those of you who have found their Life filled with constant STRUGGLES, LONELINESS, WORRY, DOUBTS, HOPELESSNESS, SHAME…and having an EMPTINESS within…I want to introduce YOU to my Jesus.  Now it’s not anything that I bring to the table…for after all…who am I to be so bold as to say that I can bring you to meet with this King of Glory?  A Mighty King that will take the time to meet with YOU heart to heart.

Have you not tried to cope with the things of this physical World?  Working tirelessly as the pressures of Life begin to overwhelm you?  You’ve held the weight of responsibilities on your shoulders…as demands from WORK, RELATIONSHIPS, BILLS, COMMITMENTS…seemed to have crush your DREAMS from the pressures of the STRESS placed upon you from a greedy World.  What if ALL that could change in a twinkling of an eye for you?

Matthew 11:28 

“Come to Me, ALl of you who are WEARY and BURDENED, and I WILL give you REST.”

You’ve tried your best making ends meet within this old corrupt physical World…how’s that been working out for you?  Why not give it a go…and take a walk down a pathway of LIGHT within the Supernatural with Jesus?

Proverbs 3:5 

“TRUST in the LORD with ALL your Heart and lean NOT on your own UNDERSTANDING.”

Maybe it’s time to Let-Go!!! AND…Let-God!!!  I guarantee you…it will ROCK your World.

Have a BLESSED Tuesday Y’all!!!



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