Hitler’s Traitors

By Mike King

The damage done by the internal German "resistance" was always thought to be, by this researcher, a contributing factor to Germany's defeat, but not a decisive one. However, after doing a days-long deep dive into the subject (initiated by an excellent and accurate 2-hour video documentary sent to me by a reader) -- it may be time to edit "The Bad War." The known treason-from-within was much worse than most people, even seasoned researchers, actually realize -- and that's not even including the unknown subversives whose names and activities were never discovered or declassified by the US or the UK!

It is clear now that were it not for the traitorous aristocratic officers, the genius Hitler would have captured the Strait of Gibraltar and controlled the Mediterranean in 1940, seized the Caucasus in 1941 or 42, knocked out the Soviet Union and set up an anti-communist Russia, joined forces with the Arabs (just south of the Caucasus) and cleared the British out of the Middle East and North Africa (including the Suez Canal) once and for all, and, if necessary, invaded Britain itself and replaced the madman Churchill with a rational human being --- all before the United States could even deploy its forces in Britain.

Hitler lived his life with modesty and honor, and he was a true nobleman by deed, not title. How heart-broken the "Bohemian Corporal" must have been when these high-level traitor rings --- responsible for the horrible deaths of so many millions of German troops and civilians -- were uncovered (too late) in 1944. What a tragedy these immoral and stupid elitist traitors wrought upon their countrymen and the world!

I realize with a shudder that there is no element of surprise. It looks as if the Soviets knew how and where the German attack would take place"
-- From the diary of German Infantryman, Kurt Foch, 1943

Operation Felix would have secured the Mediterranean as a German-Italian lake free of British shipping. The traitor Canaris killed the project by feeding misinformation to Franco of Spain. // 2. Instead of heading south to take the Caucasus and then igniting an Arab revolt against the British, traitorous generals on the Russian front got the Germans (as well as their Italian, Hungarian & Romanian allies) bogged down at frozen Stalingrad. // 3. The conspirators botched the delivery of clothes and heaters for the troops on the Russian front.


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