John 7:24

“Do not JUDGE by appearances, but JUDGE with right (Godly) JUDGEMENT.”

For many BELIEVERS in the Mighty God of Heaven…and loyal FOLLOWERS of the King of Glory, Jesus…they have the belief that it is absolutely wrong to JUDGE anyone.

Luke 6:37

“JUDGE not, and you will NOT be JUDGED; CONDEMN not, and you will NOT be CONDEMNED; FORGIVE, and you will be FORGIVEN…”

What this is referencing…is to NEVER falsely JUDGE someone of something that YOU yourself are guilty of.  Such things as GOSSIPING, BRAGGING about what YOU may have accomplished, being Self-RIGHTEOUS, making false accusations about someone…and the LIST marches on.

Continuing Luke 6

“Why do you see the SPECK that is in your Brother's eye, but do NOT notice the LOG that is in your own eye?”

I just LOVE this analogy…and yes…I’ve been there…done that!!!  And strive daily to NEVER do such a thing again.  Those logs in our eyes are such a nuisance.

Have a BLESSED Friday Y’all!!!

If you ain’t got something GOOD to say about someone…you might want to look in the mirror first…before you JUDGE.



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