
Joshua 1:9

“Have I not COMMANDED you? Be strong and courageous.  Do NOT be frightened, and do NOT be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you WHEREVER you go.”

Have you ever been at a point where NOTHING seemed to work out in your Life?  You found yourself struggling with the pressures of keeping food on the table, car payments met, rent paid on time, electricity and water taken care of before the city turned it off, keeping the boss happy at work with your 6 day a week job (and always a non-payment for overtime)…and let’s not forget…keeping your significant OTHER interested in having that “Date Night” whenever the neighborhood Babysitter was available and willing to HERD those wildcats…we lovingly call our children.  Well…I’ve certainly been there…done that…and have the T-Shirt to prove it.

Just when you thought that you couldn’t take another step with all that weight being carried upon…you make your decision to “Let Go…and Let God!!!”  Then something MIRACULOUS begins to manifest right before your eyes…as our Mighty God begins to BLESS you with unexpected FAVOR.  EVERYTHING becomes less of a burden…as you finally REALIZE that only our Heavenly Father has the POWER to make the IMPOSSIBLE…POSSIBLE!!!

So…to ALL my Brothers and Sisters out of there…it’s time to ”Let Go…and Let God”…then get ready to be OVERWHELMED.

Have a BLESSED Wednesday Y’all!!!



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