Knock and God Will Let the Dawgs Out!


Matthew 7:7

“Ask, and it WILL be given to you; SEEK, and you WILL find; KNOCK, and it WILL be OPENED to you.”

Would you believe that there are actually thousands…if not millions…of Christians who are just “One Ask Away” from receiving their BLESSING?  Problem is…they haven’t ASKED God.  They’ve shared their wants, needs and wishes with EVERYONE else…but somehow have forgotten to ASK the only One with the POWER to supernaturally manifest a dream into reality…the Mighty God of Heaven.

The very moment you humbly present yourself to our Heavenly Father…all of Heaven understands fully that YOU come on behalf of your Lord and Savior, Jesus.  You are ROYALTY…in spite of your current status of being apart of the physical World…because the very instant you find yourself in an attitude of prayer…your status is now upgraded to that of a CITIZEN of Heaven…an Heir to the Kingdom.

ASK…and it will be given to you.  In fact…expect BLESSINGS and FAVOR that will far exceed your wildest expectations.

Have a BLESSED Thursday Y’all!!!



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