Never Give Up Doing Good


Galatians 6:9

And let us (as BELIEVERS in the Mighty God of Heaven) NOT grow weary of doing GOOD, for in Due-Season we WILL reap, if we do NOT Give-Up.

How many times have you witnessed a Street Preacher standing on a corner…BOLDLY sharing the Gospel to a crowd full of mockers and blasphemers who are throwing insults back at the Messenger of God?  These ungodly Folks are actually the one’s that this message of HOPE, TRUTH, LOVE…and LIFE Eternal…are for…and because of the persistence of this one VOICE of God shouting from that soapbox…many have come to know Jesus.

Do you realize how many Christians would have given up on pursuing this form of ministry…because of the constant barrage of attacks from demons who have controlled these lives…and now here’s this street Preacher SHARING the “GOOD-NEWS of Jesus…and His plan of Salvation to EVERYONE who chooses to accept Him as Lord and Savior of their Life…and is now being offered as a way out of the grip of Devil’s grasp…and into the loving arms of a Savior to have Eternal Life in Heaven…forever.

In every way…NEVER just Give-Up on doing GOOD for the Kingdom of God…because eventually…your hard work will far exceed your expectations as the HARVEST overwhelms you with abundance.

Have a BLESSED Wednesday Y’all!!!



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