Don’t Bogart That Joint, My Friend


We don’t live in a Yellow Submarine! Remember the 60’s? Yeah, me too. Free love, LSD and Cocaine were legal. There weren’t any women’s rights because they were too busy burning their bras to worry about voting. And there was this dream of a Utopian society where we all ran around naked like a bunch of fools and lived forever. Well, Oregon, the largest county in California voted that into existence and to be frank it was all a lie!


Did you ever wonder why Moses came up with The Ten Commandments? Ok, consider this. The so-called “Children of Israel” were a bunch of out-of-control hoodlums. All the Egyptians were concerned about was them showing up for work in the morning. All that crap about them sitting around with funny hats reading the Torah was just that,



This can be easily proven by reading the Bible, or better yet taking in Cecil B DeMille’s classic where Edward G Robinson gets cast into hell for opening a bar while Moses was on that hill writing his greatest hit. Verily verily I say unto thee, “Left to his own devices man will play with his tally whacker!” Can I have an Amen?” 


All civilized societies know this. Everyone has a boiling point from which there is no return. Oh, I can already hear it. “I’d never do that!”” YES YOU WOULD! With the cleaning lady under the back corner pew in church! And then you’d rationalize, theorize, or otherwise apologize for your actions for as Paul tells us, “All have sinned! All have fallen short of the glory again, and again until we get sick or too old and become creepy old men the family won’t let the kids be alone with. 


The consensus of a civilized society is all that holds said society together. You touch a little girl, you go to a place where bad men touch YOU! You steal, same deal. What you don’t want is a whorehouse free for all, not that there aren’t some good whorehouses, mind you. Jus’ sayin’.


At a general rule the West Coast is perverse. Hey . . . Harvey Weinstein! At least he confined his exploits to big girls . . . that we KNOW about! From Shirley Temple to Amie Donald, they’re all on the menu. What do you think all those Disney beach movies were all about. One stretch mark and you’re gone!


But I digress. Oregon legalized everything from six pack to crack in the belief that people would control themselves and this Thanksgiving will feature crow! What’s scary is the west coast sets trends. Legal grass, gay marriage, drive through abortions? What’s good for Burbank is good for Birmingham. 


As the grand experiment crumbles and burns we can only hope that the rest of the country will take note. There are reasons that people who want drugs legal and 24/7 are the dredge of society. There are ideals we should strive for, even if we fail, try again and teach your kids to do the same. We learn to be good parents by parenting! 


When I was in high school, I was with a group of guys who took off to Mexico one weekend. Just outside of Nuevo Laredo was a place called “Boy’s Town.” It was said that there was anything a boy would want. Beer, girls . . . anything. Within reason. That’s right. Even in a Mexican whorehouse there were rules, restrictions, what was considered to be normal and what would get you led to the gate. 


Yes! Even in Boy’s town there are rules that must be obeyed. The idea of no regulation of mind altering drugs is mind altering. As Big Brother encourages on our personal freedom there is an urge to “run naked,” but when we do there is a cost. The Oregon experiment was an ex we use in laziness. A full display of irresponsibility. A failure of society to protect its member. Like no discipline in a daycare. Oh my! Look at all the money we’ll save on police. Save that money. You’ll need it. For treatment, welfare for non productive people, and funerals. 


And while it may be true that you can’t successfully regulate everything, it is also true that all NASCAR autos still have a brake peddle. Consider this: a healthy adult is “free” to buy all the whisky they want. You know where that can lead and alcohol is regulated in every state. 


And I know, I know, even Oregon had rules on age but if you have an abundance of availability you’re gonna have kids. Any parent or grandparent can testify to the utter futility of trying to hide candy from a toddler. Now try hiding Coke! 





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