
Justin is a monster. He is fifteen years old, one hundred and sixty-five pounds, addicted to Fortnite, and actually believes he is a character out of the game with superpowers. He lives in an imaginary online world inhabited by shadowy characters of various genders who advise him on world conquest. He rarely sleeps longer than two hours at a time and subsists on Ramen soups. He masturbates anytime, anywhere whenever the urge moves him, and his online avatar is a pretty teenage girl. He attacks his mother and siblings on a daily basis and most recently kicked his mother’s bedroom door open to try to assault his kid brother because the boy was vacuuming as his mother asked him to do and the sound was interrupting the “Emperor’s” conquest of the world. 


He has been in not one but three treatment centers, most recently in Jackson, Tennessee where he had the occasion to sexually assault a twelve-year-old boy upon which the center pronounced him “cured” and covered up the incident. He returned home and terrorized the house until the Dover, Tennessee police got involved, along with the Tennessee Child Protective Services who charged the mother with “neglect” and “counciled” little Justin about how normal his ideas were. When he kicked in the door the Dover police threatened to charge the mother again with “abuse” forcing the family to go to Texas where the Golden Child, while playing Fortnight in his room began to scream, “BITCH ASS NIGGER!” I’m gonna kill everyone in Albuquerque! He kept this up until the management of the Marriott told his mother to silence him or leave. 


He dreamed up various scenarios about shooting up a school. In his dementia the cartoons are real, and this pattern will continue until he fulfills his vision and all the students are dead. Then the cycle will repeat with another monster, shooting at the demons in HIS head and dreaming of homosexual glory. 


What you’ve just read is true. This monster lives among us. After Sandy Hook, or Luby’s or The University of Texas Tower shooter police ALWAYS look for motive. The public looks for answers and the schools conduct drills on what to do when the killer comes. And the madness goes on and on.


 It’s not the guns! It’s the madness. It’s the hypnotic effect of the flickering screen of a video game that prepares the weak mind until that mind spreads its madness. Between complacent doctors, cops clearing their desks and every freak on the internet the Monster slowly paves his way to the nightly news. 


Back in the day there was something called insane asylums where we put the Justin’s of the world for an indefinite period of time or until Jesus came back, whichever came first. The word “cure” did not appear in the DMS Idiots Guide to Idiots until sometime in the eighties. The cure being to turn them out in the streets with a shopping cart. That’s why most of the homeless people you see are crazy. The legal definition is “Danger to themselves or others.” But Justin isn’t dangerous enough. Hitler wouldn’t be dangerous enough under current standards. He was gainfully employed. 


Gun enthusiasts get all bent out of shape at the mention of Red Flags. They fear the right to keep and bear arms may be in danger. Ok. Keep your guns. People like Justin shouldn’t be able to keep and bear arms. Cut off one of their arms. At least make it a little more difficult to pull a trigger. 


Suffice to say we have a mental health crisis. Suffice that I’m fed up. It’s all very fine to judge from a distance but when you are exposed to one of these WingNuts day after day you begin to think, “I have to make this look like an accident!” NOW who’s crazy? And doctors invent more “syndromes” while Big Pharma pushes more pills and the wall gets higher.


One day Justin will achieve his dream and someone will serve him up. His killer will be vilified, and the judge will throw the book at him for killing this poor little misunderstood boy. Hell! They might even make a movie about him. “Flowers for Justin” or some crap like that. People will talk about God’s mercy but Justin’s family knows. And they know that it’s a short ride from God to God Damn!


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