What HE Said


Psalm 119:105

Your Word (my Lord) is a LAMP to my feet and a LIGHT to my path.

Do you realize as a BELIEVER in our Mighty God of Heaven…and as a committed FOLLOWER of our Lord, Savior and King…Jesus…we have so much more of an advantage against ALL of our enemies who are manipulated by the rulers of darkness?

Our God is LIGHT…all others who oppose Him are DARKNESS.  Those who dance within the shadows of evil and dress as a wolf in SHEEPS clothing are slithering within us.  ANYONE who “TAKES-AWAY”…or…”ADDS-TO” the Word of God…is NOT of God.

Dig deep within yourself and ask the Holy Spirit within you…and ask BOLDLY, “Which Political Party is a Party of God’s Word.” Does it support the WILL and COMMANDS of our Heavenly Father?  What does the Word of God say about those who support Israel?  Which Party promotes LIFE, TRUTH, MARRIAGE as was written and instructed by God to be between (you fill in the blanks)…and so many more distinct differences between a Republican and a Democrat.

There are Mega Churches out there who have thousands folks sitting in their comfortable fold-out padded seats who are going to cast their votes so for a Political Empire that is so void of God’s Marvelous LIGHT of TRUTH…just so they can be apart of the Devil’s Campaign of “The Feel-Good Movement”…where EVERYONE has the right to do whatever they want…so they can FEEL good about themselves.

Time to jump off the fence and pick which side you are on.  I have my choice (you’ll have to decide for yourself which is yours).  I pray that the Holy Spirit inspires you in knowing full-well who God has endorsed.

Have a BLESSED Wednesday Y’all!!!



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