Where have All The Flowers Gone?



Where have all the flowers gone? And common sense, decency, or education? Do you remember the last scene from the movie “Raiders of the Lost Arc?” The one where the warehouse worker on a forklift stuffed a crate containing the arc into storage in a huge warehouse. Right next to that crate was another one with your children, and one with the lessons from history, and one with the flowers. That’s where you’ll find your flowers.


Norman Rockwell’s timeless paintings showing Thanksgiving, little boys eying diplomas on the wall before receiving a shot or a little girl with a black eye waiting to see the principal after winning a fight are yellow with age. The children in those pictures died a long time ago and were replaced by kids sitting on a Drag Queen’s lap in a public library. And therein you see the problem. A PUBLIC library, funded by the state and blessed by Marduk!


And each time voices were raised shouting, “Foul!” a new law was passed to silence those voices until they were heard no more. This, my friends, is the moral decay of what used to be America. Two nights ago two men entered into a debate or rather one man entered into a debate. The other man d d d didn’t have any idea where he was, but he was the “leader of the free world!” If you believe that have, I got a bridge for you, and it’s on sale!


Family first? Are you kidding? If you spank your kid, the Child Protective Services will show up and you’d better address them by the proper pronoun. Have you noticed when you ask your kids to simply clean their room that they won’t even acknowledge that you exist because they’re too busy Tiking and Toking? And everything is “gay!” Just listen! This is gay, that is gay and not in a way you’d expect. Being gay is a badge of honor not a mark of shame. Sexual deviance is paraded in the streets during pride month. Pride MONTH? Martin Luther King only got a day! Jesus Christ sitting next to God Almighty waiting on them to show up naked! We owe apologies to Sodom and Gomorrah!


Can we fix this? Yes, but there’s gonna be pain. For your information the world is not following our lead anymore. We are a third world country with a mortgage that we cannot pay. Our debt far outweighs our assets and by any definition that is bankruptcy. Moral bankruptcy! Rot. And we are out of Clorox Cleanup!


The America you knew is gone! Been gone! And like a record made of wax it’s never coming back. We have to start again, if we can. If we can’t then we have to accept that our day in the sun is over, and the world is going to wait for the next big thing. Only took two thousand years the last time so don’t hold your breath. Won’t do you any good in the gas chambers anyway!


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