Hell is not Hot Enough
from: Kriss Odom
🚨*Graphic Content Warning
Wesley Davis has been charged with murder in the First Degree. No mother should have to hold her child as she is hooked up to machines that are tracking her last breaths. Ava Anne Marie Tabor was taken from this world. She didn’t lose her life, her life was taken from her, in the most vicious and cruel way.
Wesley Davis was watching Ava when she “wasn’t listening” as he stated, and he began to attack her. Yes you read that correctly. He lifted her frail 2 year old body up and threw her around the room for 30 minutes straight. Slamming her against walls, furniture, and anything else in sight. For 30 minutes she was brutally attacked by this animal. For 30 minutes she lived in pure pain and agony at the hands of this subhuman monster.
Ava’s body was covered in bruises, head to toe, her brain received so much trauma it bled on itself to a point that mimicked a massive stroke. Her brain died due to the amount of bleeding the trauma caused. She was a happy healthy child, he took that from her.
She spent her last moments in the arms of her mother, hooked up to machines that helped her body complete basic functions. Her organs were donated and she was detached from life support. She is now in the arms of Jesus, without pain, without fear, without a chance this animal can ever touch her again.
As far as Wesley is concerned, Hell is hot…
We will continue to cover this story, help spread awareness and pray for this family
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