Dead Squirrel Lessons

I'm leaving The Liberty Beacon. I particularly wanted to tell you because I need your input. I have developed a theory that the decline and impending fall of America is directly connected to a moral decay. And I have touched on this in my articles. Yesterday I sent Monday's piece to the Beacon. I got a call and I was made aware that The Beacon needs political material with less religious slant. I said that I'd just cut those areas and leave the political commentary. Well, I tried. I "sanitized" the article. And there was nothing left. Just a bla bla article any Jughead would be proud of but had no information or answers for anyone. So I deleted it.  Simultaneously to this my Partner Vic Quinton published his daily:

Click Image for Vic’s Article 

Vic does this to me a lot. He will come up with something that exactly matches mine as if we wrote together. We do, but there is a third party. Jesus. Accordingly, we formed Witt & Wittier Films. Incorporated with the idea of presenting a version of Jesus that would appeal to this generation of kids without coming on like a placebo for old men to beg for forgiveness on their death bed. And certainly not an "edited" Christ!  That's a rough row to hoe! We wanted to brush the fentanyl off the table and replace it with a Bible, and Tucker Carlson just won't make it! To the kids commentators such as him come off like "Mr Potato Head." They read, laugh, and head straight to a Pride March. That's what ignoring God will get you! Hell on earth!


This is not to say there is anything wrong about The Liberty Beacon. They have a fine platform and many great writers who provide much great, conservative material. I just don’t fit there. When you take the religious aspect from my work you have nothing. I’m just incapable of providing quality material under those guidelines. My hat is off to those who can. I have never deleted an article until last night. There has never been a time when I couldn’t edit my way out of a snare, until last night. To do that I had to silence my source. I had to make a decision. There are many flat squirrels laying in the road who could not make a decision.


This is a growth thing. Just this week we solidified a deal with Random House on the Book “Sharon,” which before it’s all over will be a motion picture, and yes, Jesus will be there! “Kielia” is kicking down doors all over the world. Kicked one down in Finland just last week. “Blue Moon Rising” is in production and we are still producing. And if we weren’t a Faith Based company none of that would be happening. It’s as simple as that!


Karrie “The Puck” will remain with the Beacon Project. Roger has done miracles with her, and we wish her many years of output to her generation. That girl has wings on her feet. She needed a “Roger!”

Click Image for Zoomers 2 Boomers


Good Lord willing, and the climate cools off, together we’ll all come through this. Even though our methods vary our goal is the same. I close this with the words of the Prophet Martin Luther King Jr:


 I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. I have a dream today!


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