The Democrat Party Has Lost It’s Mind!



       Click for Press Secretary Comments if Trump’s Speech

The Democrat Party is a thing of the past. This monstrosity, parading itself as a progressive leader of the people exposed itself Tuesday night as a group of people you would not want to leave your granddaughter with while you ran to the store.


It started with Al Green. Standing up there, screaming like a fool as The President of the United States began his delivery until he was removed like a drunken sailor in a Harker Heights Texas bar. Then all the little signs erupting through the Democrat whorehouse assembled. All amateur printing, voicing the various objections of anything normal.

Of course, as has become normal of late, the absolute refusal to stand and applaud anything the President had to say. I guess we should be grateful the National Anthem wasn’t played, else we’d have to put up with these bozos all taking a knee. I don’t think I could ever unsee Nancy Pelosi on her knees while I might give AOC a pass.


But the biggest disgraces were the absolute lack of common decency and humanity among the Dummycrats! A little boy, survivor of brain cancer who wants to be a police officer receives a honorary badge and ID card, no applauding, sat on their hands. A mother who’s daughter got her face smashed by a basketball thrown by a transsexual player. A mother who’s daughter was murdered by an illegal in America as a guest of the Democratically open border or the widow of a police officer killed in the line of duty. None important enough for these pompous servants of the people to get up off their lazy asses to even show respect. Where is Karly when we need her?


Is it clear enough? Can you see it! Think! No matter how politically correct you are, nobody is this crazy. The Democrat Party has become an exclusive private club similar to Hitler’s inner circle. This is not progressive, this is the return of out of control royalty. They pull down statues related to American history while painting Murals of a drug addict they want to be a role model for children. They weaponize the Child Protective Services to council grade school kids about whacking their junk off and marching straight into suicide. They enforce rules of speech and identification on us while they think, speak, and do the very things that made God bomb Sodom and Gomorrah! Is that too Biblical for you? How about all the fires in LA. When you hear that God is not done with us it’s not always good!


Most of the American people are good. People anywhere tend to want to live and let live. Even the Russians, even the Chinese, even the Mexicans. The Democrats have lost their minds! And the American People have been so cowled that nobody can even say, “Nigga PLEASE!” when a fool like Green shows his entire ass. If we still had slavery he’d be for sale at Dollar General.

Well, in the words of the Prophet, Bob Dylan Times They Are A-Changing! Consider this: Elon Musk has charged into the business model of well entrenched “departments” in charge of things like the relationships of homosexual frogs in Zimbabwe. And one by one Donald Trump has been turning off the lights and locking the doors which didn’t matter because most of these “public servants” haven’t shown up for work since 2019. And, right in step a certain number of Democrat judges have issued rulings to allow these useless feeders on the government tits to continue to live the life they’d like to become used to. But lookee here. If we shut down one hundred and the un loyal opposition saves twenty-five, we are seventy-five better off. Do that for four years. Get the American people used to it. Slow, steady return to normalcy. And your children and grandchildren will inherit a better country.

There was a Pharaoh. He used a yardstick to measure the health, and safety of his domain. A little girl could walk safely through a town without fear. Ask yourself: Would you want your little girl to walk through the streets of your town, or even the chamber while Green was having his temper fit the other night, because if you would then you are part of the problem and Trump, The American People, and God have a plan for YOU!



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