from: Kriss Odom 🚨*Graphic Content Warning Wesley Davis has been charged with murder in the First Degree. No mother should have to hold her child as she is hooked up to machines that are tracking her last breaths. Ava Anne Marie Tabor was taken from this world. She didn’t lose her life, her life was taken from her, in the most vicious and cruel way. Wesley Davis was watching Ava when she “wasn’t listening” as he stated, and he began to attack her. Yes you read that correctly. He lifted her frail 2 year old body up and threw her around the room for 30 minutes straight. Slamming her against walls, furniture, and anything else in sight. For 30 minutes she was brutally attacked by this animal. For 30 minutes she lived in pure pain and agony at the hands of this subhuman monster. Ava’s body was covered in bruises, head to toe, her brain received so much trauma it bled on itself to a point that mimicked a massive stroke. Her brain died due to the amount of bleeding the trau...
Vic keeps me in line. I never seek attention and Tommy Overstreet said years ago I had a “Whole lot of quit in me!” I will not enumerate how many songs, books, articles or movies I’ve written but I will say that I’ve given away more than I’ve published. Newbies are always talking about “dues” they’ve paid when they first start out. Dues are what you realize when it’s all over and done and the Devil comes knocking. Alcoholism becomes a viable option and beats working. Fancy words like “depression” don’t work because if you’re a writer you quickly realize that depression gives you the best material because nobody wants to hear about sunny days, they just want to make it through the night. So, you drink yourself into a pit, and somewhere in that pit is a hit, if you’re lucky. But you’ll never know it. Not until those long after you’re gone understand what you were really trying to say. You wake up in someplace where they bring your medicine on time, and w...
Many have passed away, and those who are still here are called —>The elderly<— Bill the Butcher We were born in the 40s-50s-60s. We grew up in the 50's-60's-70's We studied in the 60s-70s-80s. We were together in the 70s-80s-90s. We got married or not and discovered the world in the 70s-80s-90s. Adventuring into the 80s - 90s We're settling in to the 2000s. We became wiser in 2010s. And we’re going strong into 2020 and beyond. Turns out we went through EIGHT different decades... TWO different centuries... TWO different millennials... We've gone from phone with operator for long distance calls, pay booths, video calls worldwide. We’ve gone from slides to YouTube, vinyls to online music, handwritten letters to emails and Whats App. Live games on the radio, black and white TV, color TV, then HD 3D TV. We went to the video store and now watching Netflix. Pamela Woodward, Writer & Film Producer We've known the first computers, punch cards, disks and now...
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