Count Your Blessings. They’re There!


2 Corinthians 9:8

And God is (more than) ABLE to make ALL Grace ABOUND to you, so that having ALL sufficiency in ALL things at ALL times, you may abound in EVERY “Good Work” (that the Mighty God of Heaven gives you).

Do you think it a mere coincidence that you’ve SUDDENLY received an unexpected BLESSING in your life?  You can’t explain how this was even possible…let alone probable…yet…right when you needed it most…a miracle healing takes place, you receive a well-deserved raise, a relationship is mended…if you think about it…these sort of BLESSINGS aren’t really a “COINCIDENCE”…rather…it’s a bonafide “GODSEQUENCE”…a random gift from our Heavenly Father…who’s timing is ALWAYS found to be incredibly perfect…as if He knew all along how desperate you had become.  

News Flash!!!  He did know…and responded to your FAITHFULNESS, heartfelt PRAYERS…and your desire to PRAISE and WORSHIP Him as the One True God of EVERYTHING.

Our God is in the BLESSING Business!!!  The vaults of Heaven are over FILLING  in BLESSINGS and His FAVOR…way beyond our own mortal expectations and understandings.  This could very well be the day that your unexpected BLESSING arrives at your doorstep of your Life.  Be prepared to be blown away as your supernatural GODSEQUENCE manifests into a reality.

Have a BLESSED Tuesday Y’all!!!



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