He Has a Plan for your Life


Romans 8:28

And we (as BELIEVERS in the Mighty God of Heaven) know that for those who LOVE God ALL things work together for GOOD, for those who are called according to His PURPOSE (and perfect plan He has for YOUR Life).

Have you found yourself standing at a “Crossroads” in Life?  You ponder your decision…”Do I take the Highway on the left and travel down a wide-road to the City?” This crooked road will always lead you to the middle of your dimly lit wants…and earthly desires?”  Or…”Do I venture down the narrow RIGHT pathway paved in God’s mysterious adventure..filled with His Marvelous LIGHT of HOPE, TRUTH, WISDOM, POWER, PROSPERITY…and LOVE forevermore?”

Sometimes that pathway is so narrow…you have to get out and walk it.  And the further you step…you realize that you’ve never been alone.  Jesus is walking with you…All the way to your Victory.  

Proverbs 3:5

Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart, and do NOT lean on your OWN understanding.

Just keep walking.  Sort of worked out for those two fellas walking to Emmaus in Luke  24:13


“After Jesus was crucified and had risen from the dead, his followers were very sad and confused. They didn't know what was going to happen next. One day two of Jesus' followers were walking to the village of Emmaus. As they walked along, Jesus came and began walking with them, but God kept them from recognizing Him.”

Have a BLESSED Thursday Y’all!!!  Keep walking…you’ve got Heaven walking beside you.



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