If God is for us . . .

 I recently made the decision to lay The Butcher Shop to rest. There were many factors to this. First and foremost, It didn’t  work! Never has. What started as a filing cabinet evolved into an endeavor to bring people of different ideologies together end up being a hodgepodge of disconnected garbage that nobody read. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again while expecting a different result. I am not insane. I’m a drunk!


By the grace of God and five other old white men I came into a partnership with Vic Quinton in Witt & Wittier Films. It worked! We just completed Kielia and have several projects ahead of us. As this grew my time got shorter and shorter until there was just not enough of me to go around. So I was faced with a choice. I could continue to whip a dead horse or let it whip me. 


So, I made the choice to move into a different world. I will miss my Facebook friends. But time marches on. My wish is to provide good, quality Christian entertainment for people who are fed up with Woke, Pansexual predators and just want a movie their kids can watch. Is that too much to ask? 


If it works, everyone will benefit. If it doesn’t at least I’ll be working toward a decent goal and not the abomination known formally as Facebook and now Meta. Tomorrow, who knows. 


In fifty years children will learn about Facebook and Tik Tok and will be amazed at how stupid we really were. There are brighter days ahead. Trust me. If Witt & Wittier fails all is lost. If a simple idea such as good wholesome entertainment for families is beyond humanity it’s time to pee on the fire and call in the dogs. 


That having been said our little production company is a miracle and if God is for us who can be against us? I hope you like our movies. 


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