The Quantum Power of the Human Spirit




Rebellion and subversion come in many forms. In WWII resistance fighters would frequently be simple postal clerks who would delay packages to set the NAZI’s back a bit and destroy their famous German efficiency. Prisoners routinely devise elaborate business and communication networks right under the noses of staff with reliability that Verizon hasn’t achieved yet. The entire Book of Revelations is written in code and we still do not know what the Doctor in Ancient Egypt gave the Babylonian woman for Herpes Simplex.  All we know is he cured her, and we don’t have it.


And while we’re talking about Egypt, check out them Pyramids. So meticulously constructed that it just had to be aliens. They say it took twenty years to build the big one. I ask, only twenty? It takes our highway department that long to build a flyway in Austin.


Roads? Our Interstate system is under repair. The Appian Way has been doing fine since Julius Caesar left office. When I was around five I got an earache and my dad took me to Lake Bistineau down in Louisiana. Old  VooDoo woman blew cigar smoke in my ear. The earache was gone before we got home. Glad I didn’t have hemorrhoids!  Step on a nail! Tape a penny over it with electrical tape. Make sure it’s face down so the spirit of Mr. Lincoln can suck the poison out. Takes about three days. You got the flu, COVID, etc? Put a towel over your head and drink sassafras tea. Break a good sweat and take the towel off. Sweat leaves, sickness leaves.


The difference between the old timers and modern civilizations is the ancients had time. We have the three minutes it takes a Keurig to make a coffee. A stone mason who took years to carve the Rose Window at San Jose, San Antonio. FYI: The priests who founded the mission, San José de Valero (The Alamo) walked there from Mexico City. . . Barefoot!


The indomitable human spirit exhibits itself over and over again. Each time we think we’ve reached as far back as humanity can reach some archaeologist finds a tooth somewhere and we have to reset the bar. To assume that the ancients were stupid is a mistake. Don’t asperse them because the read a scroll instead of an iPad. If you discount the false information on the internet and compare apples to apples we haven’t progressed in five hundred years. Male/female relationships? Four thousand years.

A sad result of technology is as technology progressed patience digressed. In 1892 a cookbook said making coffee began by baking the raw beans. If a Keurig takes longer than three minutes it gets returned to Walmart. Oh for the days when all you had to do to avoid a speeding ticket was outrun the cop. Parenting was at the end of a belt. A bad marriage was remedied by just moving away and marrying somebody else and a Ford and a Chevy lasted ten years like it should.  Before that a horse lasted twenty-five to thirty years.

If you have marital issues consider the Mormon who has five mothers in law to contend with. Do you know how cold an outhouse can get in 1848 Utah. Now imagine ten grown women and seventeen kids waiting to use it. And the baby has the colic.


Yet that made them patient. They bent just a little because life was hard. Wanna know why we have all these new mental conditions that you never heard of? Because the cure for ADD in 1873 would get you killed when you didn’t pay attention at the factory. Entertainment was so scarce people took their kids to the hanging which doubled as a civics lesson. Need some cocaine? Forget the cartel, buy a Coke.


But this made people strong. The pyramids were built because they had to be built. Pharaoh said so. And we still have no idea what they planned to put in them. They buried the Pharaohs out in the desert somewhere, called it The Valley of the Kings and it got robbed that night.


So, the next time you get irritated by traffic as you drive to your forty hour a week job in your air-conditioned car look out over the landscape and realize that you don’t deserve anything but a contested divorce. Your breakfast didn’t sit well? Well, at least you had one. And know that one sunspot, positioned just right could end all you hold necessary, and transport you back through time to 1901, waiting for the ice truck to keep your meat from rotting. That’s not a doorbell dude . . .  that’s a knock!







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