There Are Monsters Among Us

There are monsters among us. Evil is evil. Even if it’s accepted as normal in the location where it’s found.


But before they lay down, the men of the city, even the men of Sodom, compassed the house round, both old and young, all the people from every quarter:

And they called unto Lot, and said unto him, Where are the men which came in to thee this night? bring them out unto us, that we may know them.

In Sodom the action of assault was condoned and considered normal by community standards. Community standards. The social pass for any action taken. All in the name of freedom. Freedom of speech, freedom to travel, freedom! What happens behind closed doors.


There is a person. I don’t know if “it” is male, female, or one of the flavors in between, but let’s just say it has two arms, two legs and a mouth. The mouth being the only hole I can reference without invoking Federal law. Anyway a human creature.


Now this . . . thing was born with the semblance of a male sex organ. At some point in time it became disillusioned with its lot in life, I suppose because it didn’t have a lot down there and developed some kind of complex. Real bad when even Chris Hansen don’t want you on the show. Anyway it decides to have a transformation. Ya’ll know where this is going, right? That’s right! Lob off the Tally Whacker, drill out the “taint,” shave its ass and call it Joline.


But it wants to be a real woman. A fully functional female with a uterus, bleached butthole and all the trimmings. So . . . It finds another like minded individual whose just as crazy as it is and will consent to surrendering a uterus, complete with eggs, slightly used vagina, sans hymen, and a lifetime membership with Jenny Craig. Can I have an “Amen?”


Well, of course we can’t have an “Amen!” This is already an abomination but save your fork. It gets better. It plans to have these organs implanted so as to be a fully functional whatever. Now, I’m no doctor but if I had a say in this I could save some money and time. It “A” wants to be a woman and It “B” wants to be a man, right? I don’t know where they live but considering the complications involved the arrangements must be complex. Adapt, improvise! Take It “A’s” separated member and put it in a pickle jar for three weeks. That should give the cut enough time to heal. Then you take the preserved unit and apply Super Glue to complete the attachment upon It “B’s” uh, could it now be considered to be a scrotum? Yeah, what the hell! Just spread the Super Glue and stick ‘r on. You don’t have to attach any nerves or blood supply. I mean, it’s pickled! And have you ever held a pickle? It’s already hard. Oh, yeah. If it’s circumcised be sure the pickle juice is from Kosher pickles.

 No muss, no fuss. Two ordained freaks ready to conquer the world, or the bathhouse or wherever. Now you’d expect that Freaky Petey “A” was intending on having a family. Au Contrairé! This polyester bitch wants to have an abortion. He she it wants to be the first Trans woman to abort a baby. There’s your monster. There’s how far evil can go unabated, and under President Harris that is a distinct possibility. Not so funny now, is it?


If this ain’t a thumb in God’s eye I’m not a white boy from Austin. To change your gender solely for the purpose of killing another human being. How does freedom look now. How ‘bout that nice gay couple in the house on the corner? Drag Queen Storytime anyone?


America owes an apology to Sodom. No other nation in history has sank to that level of evil. Even if you don’t believe in God the very inhumanity of such a plan should put a taste in your mouth that you can never spit out. To use modern medicine to conceive a child just so you can kill it! There are monsters among us. It’s time to burn it all down and start again.


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