Listen To the Band



“Hey hey Mercy Woman

Plays the drum but no one listens



Your information, all that you think you know, is formatted by entities that designed algorithms to influence your opinions, designed to lead you to accept a one-world solution that minds smaller than yours have imagined. Reason and common sense are not part of this formula. The public, that would be you and me, are expected to sit by our master’s door and hope for that scrap that will fall from their entitled mouths while they pull the strings to see us dance like the jesters that we are. And the dogs of the street will eat our children.


I’ve told you many times to stop believing your lying eyes and listen to your common sense. But, like good little groupies that you are, you feverishly buy into every conspiracy QAnon has on the market and sit and stare at Teller’s quarters falling into that tin cup with snake amazement. Verily I say unto you, there are no quarters. If there were, your owners would have stolen them. Just like they stole your silver dollars, your freedom of speech, and your so-called America!


Admit it. This Dis-United States is NOT what the Founding Fathers intended it to be. At some point the direction of the “Great Experiment” began to be not of The People, but five old farts and four menopausal old broads appointed as the “Final Solution” whose decisions are beyond appeal and in some cases, all reason. And all men might have been created equal, but their social status changed right after the cord was cut. Change my mind!


Votes are counted by computers that were created somewhere else and operated by unseen faces in a foreign land. What could possibly go wrong? With the results of our combined votes along the par of a Roblox game. And you wonder why Donald Trump is pissed off as he watches an Alzheimer’s outpatient play with a little girl’s hair in the White House. Same joystick, same result. And just in case you have two brain cells left to rub together there are no “polls” that will tell you why this should rub you the wrong way. And yet you believe! You believe any nonsense they feed you because everybody wants to get next to a happening guy (or gal.) Tell me the truth. Would you take a fifty-nine-year-old worn-out whore back to your room at closing time? Then why are you even thinking about moving her into the White House? Because some pollster told you to, that’s why!



Again, I remind you of riding a bicycle with no seat. The choice between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris is as plain as the homeless vet on the corner begging for your change. When I was in grade school back in Shreveport in the last century, I learned all the myths. Of the People, by The People, and for The People, any child can grow up to be president. Ya’ll know the script. I watched “Mr. Smith Goes To Washington,” and I believed. Well, Mr. Smith did go to Washington, and you impeached him . . . TWICE!


All the backwards logic, misinterpretation of the constitution, degeneration of all common decency will not destroy America. You will! Evil can only abound when allowed. Resist the Devil and he will flee. But first you must pull your heads out of Mr. Ass and see things as they are. Don’t strain at the Gnat and swallow the camel. Stop worrying about the rights of men who sell your daughters in Nuevo Laredo, or at least stay out of the way when men of good intentions try to stop it for you. Have honest election judges and open elections so we look at least a little less like some banana republic in South America. Stop fretting about some maniac who killed a grandmother with her two grandchildren suffering when executed by lethal injection and just use a rope. Same old twenty minutes and the Devil don’t care.


These and scores of other issues can be solved easily by good, old fashioned, American common sense and know how. Because we have always known how, we just got put to sleep by Woke perverts who want to destroy. Religious believe that someday Jesus will return and set everything to right. He won’t! He can’t! He won’t have time. He’ll be too busy prowling the streets of Jerusalem looking for a Jew. He needs to go to that tourist trap on the Temple Mount with that Cat of Nine Tails He used the first time! For no one is righteous. No, not one!



It will not change all at once. Let’s just try to have an honest election. That’s a good start. Where win, lose or draw, we are satisfied with the results. I dare say very few reading this have ever seen an honest election. And the day after the election we go on about our business and let the politicians go on about theirs. Don’t worry. You’ll see them again in four years. There are some things that will never change.


From honest elections to an honest judiciary. It’s a Pandora’s Box, but with a good Master Lock we can bring it under control. Control! Have you ever wondered why your children and grandchildren fight so hard to shout down things that I addressed here? You know, the new improved kids bequeathed us by the pandemic? Because the world of fifty genders with no restrictions is more fun that the real world of consequences for their actions. Just start the game again. But we are nearing “game over!” And with fewer people there will be less room for genders, and fewer choices because the world does not forgive. It just does! Look at Mars and listen to the band! Now look at your grandchildren. And the smoke rose from Sodom as the smoke from a furnace.




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